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I got my life back


By: Endre Temesvari

I started to change my life 3 years ago. By not eating bad food like pasta, flour, bread, meat, and carbs. And the first 3 days were hard but my body adopt quickly. Unfortunately, I got a leaky gut for 25 years because of my bad diet like lack of vegetable intake basically 0 fibers. So I got eczema. I tried all kinds of treatments. Nothing worked. When covid came into our lives, I had more time for myself so I completely changed.

I became vegetarian and I eat lots of vegetables like 20 different types a day + fruits and nuts. My body and mind immediately reacted. I got finally good sleep, a clear mind, no stress, I got in and out calmly. Eczema start going away I had like 30-40 eczema spot on my body. I love sauerkrout and cottage cheese the only dairy food I eat and now I only got 5.

25 years ago, I had 70-80 spots on me. I got better vision now and am more focused. I dont eat meat, I do KETO diet, I eat 6-7 eggs a day 5 meals, 3 salads one lunch, and one dinner both of them cooked veggies. For breakfast, almond milk with fruits.. Most importantly, I got my life back and my mood is great with no fear.

I'm running 35 km a week 5 times a week and I go to the gym as well. 48 years old, 80 kg, 170 cm. I'm in the best shape ever in my life. No grey hair and so happy I eat a lot but only healty foods. My energy level is high and it's funny because I don't eat meat but I run 5-6 km 5 times a week after work and I go to the gym 5 times as well.

Just my bod using different types of fuels. The leaky gut is going away I would say 1 more year and my guts will be healed. I got so many Doctor visitations none of them wanted to help me!!! I used steroids cream for 20 years because nobody wanted to help me. The only thing that helped me is me and the vegetables and those videos online. Thanks, Dr. Eric Berg, I wish all Doctors are like you.

I wish I know you 25 years ago!!! I'm seeing so many people with the same skin problems. It's on our faces if you can share some good treatment for tennis elbow please, I would need it. I'm a chef and I'm a right-handed guy of course my right elbow hurts from time to time every 5-years. Thanks!

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