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"Shocked My Doctor with Lowered A1C"

Images Story

By: MamaDee

Dear Dr. Berg,

I just finished watching your video on 'Benefits of Walking' right after I came back from my own walk. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and my A1C was upwards of 11.

The normal range being 5 - 7. I did everything the doctor told me but I was not seeing any improvement at all. I commented on my youtube channel that I wanted to lose weight and one of the viewers recommended a video that advocated a low carb and fasting diet; that is how your channel was recommended to me by youtube and I've been watching all your videos religiously.

I started eating a low(er) carb diet and fasting though not consistently. I also started walking as well. Few weeks after that, I lost some weight and went to see my doctor for an annual physical. When they tested my A1C it was 6.5!

I could not believe it and the doctor asked me what I did. Afraid of being discouraged by the doctor I said diet and exercise (which is their standard recommendation). She said, keep doing it, it is working. But actually, it was a combination of fasting (something they did not recommend before), walking, and a low-carb diet.

If I was disciplined I would have probably lost all the weight and be off pills but I have a long-term agenda and I'm working on it.

What encourages me now is that I understand a lot about myself, health, thanks to your videos! I share them with my sisters who live in South Africa because, though they don't have diabetes, they could lower their stress and be overall healthy.

Please find attached here my pictures. My current one is the one I'm wearing an orange shirt. All the other ones are before.

I am an American citizen and North Carolina resident. Thank you, Doris Franse


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