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I am a PCOS sufferer & Dr Berg helped me lose 50 pounds of baby-weight

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By: Caley

My name is Caley, I am 36 years old from Hampshire in Southern England. I have had polycystic ovarian syndrome since I was around 17 years old. I was misdiagnosed a number of times but finally, at aged 17 the Dr told me what I had, but not what to do about it. I spent a number of years living with the symptoms (weight gain/ difficulty losing weight/ bad skin/ insulin resistance/ a very irregular sometimes non-existent menstrual cycle) and I had to stay on very-low-calorie diets to simply maintain my weight - eating a maximum of 800 calories per day. It was awful & I was very miserable. Fast forward, at aged 28 I got pregnant with my first child (I wasn’t trying so it was a bit of a shock). I gained over 40 pounds during the pregnancy and my baby was only 6 pounds when he was born. To lose the weight I went back to a very low-calorie diet, I replaced meals with shakes and although I lost most of the weight, my hair started falling out and my nails became weak, my menstrual cycles pretty much stopped & I was tired all of the time. Three years later, I got pregnant with my 2nd child and gained 50 pounds, and I vowed that this time I would find a way to lose the baby weight healthily and that’s when I started researching PCOS, Insulin resistance & low carb/ high fat. I found Dr. Berg on YouTube and I must have watched every video of his within 2 weeks! I literally made notes & shopping lists and bought myself a blood ketone monitor and started eating keto. I realize that before Keto I was pretty much starving myself & then having something sugary in the evenings when I thought I was going to pass out from low energy! It was a terrible cycle. I started keto eating 3 meals a day, usually eggs, fatty meats, and cheese with green veggies or salad on the side, no snacks! After a month I decided to follow Dr. Bergs advice on intermittent fasting and push my breakfast back to midday - so I ate only between 12 noon and 5 pm, I would eat a good amount of low carb / high-fat food - cheese and eggs, tuna with mayonnaise, steak, burgers, sometimes just a BLT salad with olives or salmon and broccoli in a cheese sauce and nuts too. I felt very satisfied and I lost 50 pounds in around 5 months (this was in 2018) and I have maintained it ever since. I have so much more energy and my body looks and feels so much better, I noticed my shape was a lot better because I wasn’t restricting and losing my muscle, I was only losing fat. My PCOS symptoms are very mild now, my skin is brilliant with no issues, my hair is thicker and my periods are every 35-45 days which is brilliant for me. I am so thankful to Dr. Berg for all of the advice and great content. It can be hard having PCOS as people still don’t fully understand it & Dr’s just don’t have an idea what to say / how to help.  Dr. Berg’s advice has really helped me so much and given me lots of information, I couldn’t have gotten healthy without him. Thank you so much.

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