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How my mother got rid of long term depression for good


By: David

I can vouch for the excellent content of Dr. Berg's video on depression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDn9SHhTgf8

My mother suffered from bouts of severe depression for 10 years. Over this period, she tried the whole range of antidepressants/SSRI's until they no longer 'worked'. At that point, I had the pleasure to help her decide to really stop taking these drugs. At the same time, we started with anti-inflammatory interventions. From then on, she has taken 2 different supplements to reduce inflammation (a herbal mixture and a mushroom blend), she started taking potato starch as a prebiotic (to combat constipation), she started taking kefir to restore the gut microbiome and she started to eat bone broth for gut recovery on a regular basis.

That was 3 years ago. Since then my mother, who at the time was using a walker due to the side effects of all the medication, has not had any depression complaints, did away with the walker after a few days and there is no end to the astonishment of friends and family about her current shape - walking, traveling, mental acuity. By all standards she was rejuvenated by 10-15 years by this one decision she took 3 years ago. I wish everyone who is struggling with depression a similar life-changing success!! More on this? Read Kelly Brogan's 'A mind of your own' ❤

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