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How I Vanquished Breast Cancer Using Strict Keto


By: Elaine Marolakos Edelson

I've been a Dr. Berg fan for 5 years, bought his products, worked with one of his assistants Keto. He's AH-mazing. I'm 61 and in the past 4 years have had such a time dropping weight and keeping it off. Had some thyroid issues and kept going around the block with healing, weight loss, weight gain, even on Keto. Well, I discovered why! 2 years ago, in 2019, after being diagnosed with stage 2 Lobular breast carcinoma, I saw the underlying cause of weight gain. My diagnosis was not terrifying, I wasn't afraid at all to hear the news. I'm not afraid of death (am a Modern Mystic and teach others to overcome fear), but what DID rattle my nerves was working with a health care system that had only one agenda... cut, poison, burn. No one on the staff wanted to know about my diet, my nutrients, or my exercise. These were mostly kind, caring folks. Some weren't. I'm not an extremist nor am I in 'la-la' land when it comes to healing. I research health and wellbeing for my clients, friends, family. But when a surgeon told me that if I didn't do what she advised (4 months of intravenous chemo, radical mastectomy of both breasts not just the one with the active tumor, and then radiation that would cut into my lung, then take an estrogen blocker medication not just to shrink the tumor, but to continue taking it for 5 years to save my life ...) ... OR ELSE I'd come back to her and it would be too late. Essentially she told me I'd die and that's when I stepped into my power big time. The second surgeon was fine with no chemo, but insisted on surgery, MRI's with gadolinium contrast. I said no, it stays in the brain for ...ever... and I'm going to shrink the tumor (so maybe no surgery?) The second surgeon fired me after I fired the first oncologist who pushed for medications, chemo. My intuition said no to these Drs. Then I learned how to say no aloud. Not one person asked what I was doing to shrink the tumor aside from the medication they put me on. I had cut out all chemicals on my hair, nails, face. I watched many Dr. Berg vids on all sorts of stuff to get into alignment as a holistic method of wellbeing. In the past 2 years, I stuck with my Keto diet: 1200 calories split into 2 meals a day, intermittent fasting, 1 sugar a day (from half/half in tea), all organic, hormone-free, 6 cups veggies daily (some cooked, some raw, some blended in a Vitamix). I walked daily (when not crippled by the estrogen blocker med), infrared sauna, rebounder, hand weights until the estrogen blocker caused me to feel powerless with muscle spasms, arthritic pain where I couldn't hold things in my hand or type on the computer for more than an hour without crying.) So had to stop weight training. Then through my naturopath primary doc I found a naturopathic oncologist who looked at my chems every 3 months to see what was happening in my body, and after 8 months of taking the estrogen blocker part-time, took me off of that (by then it had given me osteoporosis, rage, suicidal tendencies, 19 hot flashes daily, severe memory loss, extreme constipation, shortness of breath and on and on)... he put me on herbal chemo-therapeutic supplements. I initially lost 20 lbs on my Keto plan 2 years ago! My thyroid was doing so much better (but had to supplement with natural thyroid support). But after 8 months of the estrogen blocker (and refusal to do chemo, radiation, surgery), the med caused me to regain what I'd lost. Without ever changing my diet. After 22 months my oncologist gave me the expected and miraculous news... I had vanquished cancer, deactivated the tumor, and shrank it from 2.75 cm to 0.3 cm. Now, I've cut 30% of supplements, remain on Keto (never once feeling deprived as I bake and cook daily), increasing calories to 1500, on 'clean up crew' to reset my gut biome, digest better, eliminate dead tissue, boost my thyroid, and hope to melt that extra 20lbs as my liver also resets itself (from so many supplements). I'm grateful to Dr. Berg for his knowledge and wisdom with keto (and all else he talks about in his vids) because I know that the Keto diet set the stage for the quick resolution of what most consider to be a terrifying situation. I plan to return with even more great news after I release that extra weight to round out the Keto lifestyle kudos! Here are 3 pieces of advice if you're on Keto" 1. Learn to cook and bake to make delicious meals/snacks. I have a tough time with erythritol but can have monk fruit/stevia mix... Pyure brand makes 'honey', 'maple syrup', and other yummies that are great additions to food but with low to no carbs. 2. Find your rhythm. It's not about losing weight. It's about loving that you are love. It's about overall wellbeing. If you're pushing to do exercise, but are cursing or crying while doing it. Stop. Breathe. Find one thing that gives you joy and do that for 10 min (and I'm not talking about eating.) 3. Extremes create the sense of deprivation. Be easy. Plan meals ahead of time. Use ingredients that are healthy. If you're on a budget, research where to get healthier ingredients before you're deep into the Keto plan. This isn't about starvation. It's about nourishing and nurturing yourself, no matter what you look like in the mirror. When it comes to manifesting your desires, think about floating downstream instead of swimming upstream. Have a plan. Put it into doable actions. Then go have fun in the world. You've got this. Thank you Dr Berg for your wisdom (and thank Karen, too for the recipes!) Forever grateful, Elaine

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