How I Lost 103 Pounds in Ten Months with Keto & Fasting

Images Story

By: Robert Lynch

For two decades, I struggled with my weight and although I carried it well (being 6'5" tall), I was dissatisfied with my appearance - my swollen stomach made me look three months pregnant. Over the years, I was told by various doctors that I had a 'fatty liver', but I didn't understand what this meant and it was never explained fully. I had high blood pressure and I was also on the threshold of insulin resistance. I tried many conventional low-calorie diets and while some were initially successful, I always ended up piling the weight back on. In later years, I found it impossible to lose any weight at all, even while severely restricting my food intake. In January 2020, I learned about a potentially lethal virus emerging from China and as time passed, I discovered that overweight people with underlying medical conditions were most likely to suffer a serious illness or worse! I knew for certain that I fitted into the 'obese' category and I knew that I needed to find a solution - fast! I started walking every day, in the hope of losing some weight and I was hardly eating a thing. However, I still couldn't shift any weight and I was desperate for answers. It was around March of 2020 that I discovered a video by Doctor Berg that stated 'you'll never lose weight until you cure your fatty liver'! That one statement was a turning point for me and I shifted my emphasis from weight loss to getting healthy. I changed my diet quickly and introduced cruciferous green vegetables, plus fatty meat. I devoured Dr. Berg's videos during the enforced lockdowns and I stumbled onto numerous videos about the Ketogenic lifestyle. It all made sense to me and I slowly moved from a conventional diet to a Keto regime. I began to feel my skin tighten and my clothes became looser. I began to lose weight. As I went deeper, I found material about Intermitting Fasting and that was THE game-changer! I started fasting 14:10 and soon upgraded to 16:8. However, it didn't take long for me to reach 18:6, and today, I regularly fast 19:5 or more. The whole thing came together beautifully and my weight began to plummet! I started Keto fully in June 2020 and I weighed 22 stone (303 pounds). Within ten months, I was down to 210 pounds (15 stone). Furthermore, my stomach was now completely flat and my flirt with insulin resistance was reversed. My blood pressure was back in the green health zone and at the age of 53, I have never felt so healthy. I am now back at the gym, plus I hike for four miles every morning. For the record, I have written an account of my weight loss journey and I hope to publish it. I would be delighted to include the name of Doctor Eric Berg as my main reason for this success. May I ask permission to use the name of Doctor Eric Berg, as the individual who contributed to my success?

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