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By: Bart Nettle

A few years ago, I got rushed to the hospital because Dr. found an umbilical hernia for my stomach pain. Tests were run overnight and the verdict was not life-threatening and I discharged myself. after signing a waiver. At the beginning of Covid, I quit smoking and ate lots of sugars and after a few months had stomach cramps, bloating, and pain. Went to Doctor who ran tests and said I was one point away from being a diabetic; I had two inguinal hernias and diverticulitis. A medical liaison friend put me onto your videos and I went onto the keto diet as well as following my own Doctors recommendation to have more fiber in my diet and lose weight. I noticed right away an improvement and after a couple of weeks noticed greater stamina at work. The other thing I noticed was a natural not feeling hungry and not needing to eat. I yet had not seen much of yours on IF and would eat after only skipping a couple of meals. It came naturally on keto. I didn't lose much weight but felt much more productive. Got so busy at work that got help and found myself having to eat carbs from takeaways and have slinked back and follow your videos. I am now looking to set aside the time to get back the successful action of 1. Green vegetable juice for breakfast bypassing stunting appetite with coffee. My juice is made savory with ginger, sometimes garlic for flavor, or if I have it fresh Tumeric. I make enough to take some with me to work. usually more diluted with water to have during the morning till lunch. 2. make a salad out of the veggies for the juice for lunch and adding some leftover cooked meats. At lunch eat a balance of vits. 3. As I work physically I'll make a fish or meat dish some steamed veg with plenty of butter and creams or some yogurt and vits 4. After a couple of weeks not so hungry and morning juice will last till the evening meal. I can vouch that carbs are addictive, while I am off sugar carbs requires a serious change as above; I am 63 soon and have a fatty liver and like the ads to quit smokes there is failed attempt only experience to eventually succeed. Thank you for your videos, so well explained and correct. WISH ME LUCK!

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