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How cruciferous vegetables helped me eat right and feel better


By: paul pattavina

I have known that I am a gluten enteropathy patient for about 25 years. Upon going on a gluten-free diet, I gained weight uncontrollably until I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and fatty liver. I was coached on how to eat gluten-free using gluten-free flour. I was always hungry. By watching Dr. Berg's videos about how to reinvent my life choices and changing my menu to exclude excessive flour and to include more cruciferous vegetables and eggs and proper supplementation. I finally have made progress in satiating my appetite and feeding my body what it truly needs, not just what I crave. My PCP was great at explaining what I had to do but could not effectively suggest how to adjust my diet probably because his appetite functions normally. Dr. Berg's videos detailing what is happening in all phases of my eating/appetite, sleeping & living cycles has helped me finally design an eating and supplement plan, coupled with increased walking, that truly makes me feel better all through the days and weeks of my life. Feeling better helps me be more active and sleep better especially knowing that l do not want to eat hours before bed to help get better sleep in less time each and every night. My joints feel better too. Now when I backslide, which I always do, I thoroughly understand what is happening and what I am to do to get back on track and feel great again. My weight is slowly going down by placing less emphasis on eating and more on properly refueling what I need to live and feel better. Thanks!

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