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Mustafa Kashkosh Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Mustafa Kashkosh

Hey Dr berg. I can't thank you enough for your videos and your way to deliver all the info I need. My story : I am 36 yrs old male. I HAD the BMI of 32 ish and weight of about 106 Kgs(233Ib) I am hypertensive which was 160/110 before taking the tablet and of course BEFORE finding you. I've tried many things to loose weight, gym, swimming, dieting, even using cambogia extract. Nothing worked. Finally I met YOU. I started keto on 11/5th and Intermittent fasting 16/8. I've lost 22 pounds already in 19 days. (actually I didn't loose, I just found my self) thanks to YOU. My blood pressure started dropping day bye day since day 1 of keto. I am positive one day the DR is going to stop my medication. My skin never been better. Now I have soft fairer, healthier skin which every one have noticed. My sleep changed drastically. I used to wake up after midnight to have something sweet. I don't do that anymore. I sleep peacefully and wake up active no snoozing the alarm like I used to do. I have so much energy now I don't have breathlessness when I take the stairs. My self confidence increased. I think clearer. Decisions making REALLY improved. I am amazed by the new ME. I am really grateful to you. Keep Rocking and I will be doing keto till I become healthier. May ALLAH bless you. And Peace be upon you.

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