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By: Aimee Demientieff

Hello. Dr. Berg and thank you for all the helpful information, tips, and recipes for keto. I tried keto before but it didn’t seem to go well until I tried it again using your helpful videos on intermittent fasting. A month ago, I was hiking a mountain in Alaska where I live with my homeschool hiking group where I ended up sliding down a snow shoot breaking my ankle in 3 places and dislocating it. The short version was, I had to have a medivac helicopter ride and surgery. I had started doing the intermittent fasting/ keto about two weeks before the accident . So I was able to do a 24 hour fast after surgery. Also while recovering I have been able to do lots of research on using keto and fasting for healing and recovery. I have a goal to heal faster and better than the expected 6-9 months. Which seems to be already happening. I am in physical therapy a month after and should be driving by the end of August. I believe by God’s grace, strength and with applying correct keto/ fasting I am on this journey to a healthy recovery in much less time. I feel more alert and energized. May God continue to bless your work. Also I love the videos with your wife you all so fun, entertaining and sweet together.

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