Good health, common sense, and weight loss



Started KETO about 12 weeks ago, I found the KETO principle by coincidence from a Dr. Berg video. After looking at no. of videos I started! Since I started, I have had much better health, more endurance, and I lowered my blood pressure to 120/81/62, and I also lost 5kg. My day starts with bacon egg, avocado, and tomatoes, before the meal I take, 8 ounces of water with 1 ounce of ACV, and 1 lemon squeezed. This is around 10 AM. Plus 1 ounce of Möller's cod liver oil. The next meal is around 5 pm, usually, I'll have some meat or fish changing every second day, with this I take leafy greens, tomatoes some watercress, dressing is olive oil organic and vinegar ACV, That's the last meal of the day. Exercise: Do all shopping walking, gives me 2miles every day, + 4 times a week I swim, 2km mixed breaststroke and crawl ( in 1 hour). Mistakes: I sometimes eat a little French Roquefort or Italian original Parmesan, as a dessert which I should not. Because they are anabolic, not good for my prostate. However, I just had my annual blood test back and everything is OK, except my LDL has increased. But I guess it's temporary.

Three pieces of advice:

1. Stick to KETO. It does give better health, ( and weight loss)

2. Don't give up even if there are days where there doesn't seem to have any effect

3. Two meals a day works fine, and you are full until the next morning

(personal info: 189cm ,82kg, 77years)

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