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girl loving sports have frequent urine


By: Jiang Qin

I always thought that I have a strong and healthy body, because I love running, and running makes me feel good. But I had frequent urination at night and at the daytime for a year. It's very embarrassing to seek help for this problem as a girl: I would blame the boyfriend I broke up with two years ago. I had all kinds of medical examinations in the Chinese top hospitals in gynecology, urology. I suspected that I didn't clear my underpants enough, and took great attention in this field by frequently changing underpants, buying graphene panties, not wearing underpants during sleep. Sometimes it works, but not for long. Frequent disturbing by urination needs brokes my heart. I didn't think I did anything evil that God would punish me like this.

Finally, I found that if I didn't drink water after supper, I will be OK with my sleep. Then I somehow didn't have the problem of frequent urine for one year, But my high blood pressure is going from 82 ten years ago to 90, which is not acceptable by the company I join, and I feel weak all over my body, having no strength both in mind and labor. This is the first time in my life that I feel I couldn't keep on improving myself and had to stop. But I did nothing wrong. I have regular sleep by sleep before 11 PM. I eat normal food, a little light.

Until I watched Dr. Berg's YouTube video, I realize that the diet that I keep for so many years is poisoning me! My eye's white is showing yellow, my belly is always big in spite of sports, my legs are thick, so ugly. I don't agree that sports have to help one lose weight because I didn't lose much weight in spite of heavy sports. Now, Dr. Berg gives me all the answers! I used to not eat oil, now I eat a lot. I used to eat rice, noodles, now I ignore them totally. I have only just known Dr. Berg for 3 days, and I feel my life is changing!

I want to thank you so much! I want to pay you although I have little money. So I bought Bragg apple cider vinegar that Dr. Berg advertised. I love you, Dr. Berg! You are great! I feel life again. After the first keto meal, I pooped 2 hours later. I love oil, they smell good for me. Why I didn't realize that before! The false knowledge misled me!

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