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Gina Jones's Story

Images Story

By: Gina Jones

These days, it’s common to hear about social media ruining relationships or distracting people from what’s really important. But without a Facebook Messenger notification from Dr. Berg, perhaps Gina Jones wouldn’t have lost the 50 pounds (23 kg) she envisioned herself losing.

Jones’ journey with keto started from one simple choice. “I made a decision [that] I wanted to be the best me,” she said. “I made a vision board and put that I wanted to lose 50 pounds. I had no real idea how I was going to do that but I knew I wanted to start with my diet.”

From Dr. Berg’s videos, Jones learned about how Fat Storing Hormone holds onto fat. She now eats more meats and veggies because she understands more about keto. “[The hardest part was] people bringing donuts and candy to work and people telling me it was OK to eat it,” Jones said. “Hello people! I need to be told not to!”

Otherwise, Jones surrounded herself with supportive people who cheered her onward the whole way through the race. “I [made] videos [of my journey] so I had accountability to others,” she said. “I didn't want to let them down.”

Jones says she feels “amazing:” she can run, jump, and work out without losing her breath. “My skin looks amazing and people say that I look younger,” she said. “I love how much energy I have, and fitting into cute clothes!”

Jones reached her goal, losing 57 pounds (26kg) in only five months. She says she only wishes she had done more research in the beginning. “When it's important enough, you'll do it,” she advises. “If I can do it so can you. Every choice matters, choose wisely.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Walking, sit-ups, squats, and using a resistance band

Favorite Keto Recipe: Grilled chicken with homemade Alfredo sauce, heavy whipping cream, parmesan cheese, cream cheese, and crushed garlic and broccoli

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