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Fully Recovered Addict

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By: Dougie Fresco

So my name is Dougie, I am 36 years old. I am from Upstate NY. I discovered keto maybe 10 years ago or so. However not in the way I did now, I weighed about 225-230lbs and lost 20lbs with keto and walking in 2 months and gained it all back and more when I stopped. Before I started keto I was on the SAD diet. I am sorry I am not that good at writing I'd be better talking. Ok so I have a extremely long story but will try to make it short. I almost died twice by the time I was 21, once from almost drowning and one from a severe case miocarditis. I had a drug problem since I was young and smoked as well. I went about life and here is where it takes a turn. I had got into some trouble with the law. I was released on bond and it took 3 years to beat the case and be truly free. I was facing an extremely long sentence for drug trafficking for drugs that were not mine and I would not tell on my friend. So in turn I was charged as well. Now I said I am not going to jail for life so I will die or they will kill me first. I got really deeper into addiction because of this that by time the case was over I was too deep in to get out, or so I thought. I was taking an extremely dangerous amount of opiates. 10, 10mg hydrocodone, percocet, oxycodone whatever first thing in the morning, 10 more half way through the day and 10 more before bed all while doing other drugs as well. I would do cold water extractions sometimes to separate and get rid of the aspirin in them but not often. I then was getting 30mg percocet by the hundreds and thousands from a "friend" through the mail. They turned out to be fake made with fentynyl. So one night I came home to sleep after throwing up at a friends and realized I can't stop. I get my mother and the toilet is full of blood. We rush to the emergency room I'm throwing up the entire time into a walmart bag and get to the hospital and place this bag on the counter rush to the bathroom and my stool was solid black. I tell the nurse what I took she says it's oxycodone I told her no they are fentynyl but she brushed it off. This was before they knew of the fake fentynyl pills. Anyways they find out I had a tear in my esophagus from throwing up for days every pill I sniffed a bit at a time till that night of blood. It was stomach acid that burned a hole into my esophagus as well as snorting fentynyl I'm sure. They burn my esophagus closed and had to give me two bags of blood through transfusion I lost nearly all my blood. I get home and throw the pills away but still take other real pain pills. Not even a year later I wake up in the hospital. They say I overdose I told them no way they said you had methadone in your system. I said yes I did but nowhere near enough to overdose. I took 20mg they prescribed 200mg or more a day for heavy addicts which I was. I had pneumonia they said from aspiration of throw up. All lies I said I think it is from my tooth it hurts and maybe the infection caused pneumonia they said no. I said ok well my tooth hurts may I have a motrin please? They say we will ask the dr and she returns and says no motrin but you can have hydrocodone. I laughed and said do you usually give people who overdosed more opiates after taking 3-5 narcan shots to even wake me? I refused and could see shock on the nurse's face as they think an addict is going to jump on that I hear them talk in surprise in the hall. This was 4 years ago August 25th or 26th. I went cold turkey since it will be 4 years this month also will be 3 and half years cigarette free also. I did outpatient for my parents to provide drug test I still smoked marijuana and cigarettes. The rehab did not like this and tried to force me onto more opiates such as suboxone, methadone (what they said I overdosed on) and narcan shots I refused them all. Their is more to that story I could tell as well. So anyway after finishing the program I quit cigarettes and went vegan and gave up soda. I was 260lbs or so immediately dropped 30 lbs. Then I stayed there a bit and then went back up to 260+ lbs. So I found you and a few others channels. I began fasting and keto and I lost over 100lbs in less than a year I went from 260+ down to 160 up to 180+ back down to 165. All without a single walk or exercise lol just fasting and diet. I am still working on myself in many ways and starting to try and build more muscle. There is so much more but it's very difficult for me to type on my phone and I have adhd so this is not my strong suit to sit and type lol. I would love to talk to you Dr Berg and thank you and tell you more of my story. Anyways thank you so much for all you do you are a truly amazing soul.

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