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From Zero to Hero in two months.


By: George MacDonald

I have been gaining weight gradually over the past 20 years. A combination of regular drinking and junk food along with the lies of the food pyramid had taken its toll. I have never been massively obese, but much like many other people, I have noticed the slow increase in weight as I aged. I had reached a point where I was not only uncomfortable in my own body, I was starting to experience health-related issues. Feeling despondent, hopeless and depressed I had tried diets, calorie counting, and had even tried hoodia Gordini (a horribly bitter succulent found in the southern African deserts, used by the bushmen to suppress hunger cravings) to curb my weight gain, but nonetheless, my bad habits and the inevitability of a high carb, high sugar diet kept me on the path to a wide girth and diabetes. I did intensive training in the early 90's and have always had an interest in biology and the workings of the body, so I have always known my body well and understood the signs and symptoms I experience when I have medical issues. 

When I started having dizzy spells and sudden low blood pressure issues, I realized it must be linked to insulin and sugar management in the body. It was a huge source of concern, so I decided to cut out all sugars and research ways to live without sugar... it was during that time (few months ago) that I came across Dr.Berg's amazing youtube channel and I immediately subscribed. 

Everything made such intrinsic sense and the way he explains everything is so comprehensive and easy to understand, that I have been a subscriber since then and for life. Within a week of quitting soda drinks, I had changed my diet to a zero-carb, high fat diet and supplemented my daily multivits with zinc, Vit D tabs, nutritional yeast flakes, and apple cider vinegar along with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Immediately I went on a 23 hour intermittent fast and only ate once a day, and within a week I had not only lost 5 kilograms, but I had sustainable energy through the day, my skin had cleared, my psoriasis had declined and my irritable bowel had normalized. 

After two weeks I had dropped even more weight and my family started to comment and enquire and when I told them how effortless this lifestyle change was compared to conventional diets, which they had tried exhaustively along with hours at the gym, they immediately went on the healthy keto plan. 

Since then my sister, me and my mom, who is a cancer patient, have lost potato bags, full of weight and have resumed our usual hikes and family time that had been waning over the past decade. We all have sustainable energy throughout the day and most of our chronic health issues are rapidly declining, giving us the motivation to live better and inspire others to do the same. 

I am eternally grateful for Dr Berg's amazing system of living healthy easily, cheaply, and without the additional costs associated with regular diet plans. 

I was 116 kg (255 lbs) and in two months, I dropped down to 99 kg (218 lbs), which is about 10kg away from my ideal BMI. I will stay eating healthy and will live keto until I die. I have never felt better or seen my mother and sister so healthy and happy in decades. The struggle is over and healthy life is now the norm. 

I can only recommend a healthy keto plan to anyone aspiring to feel better, live with more energy and lose excess weight. And the best source for this information is Dr. Berg's online advice, support, and amazing videos on youtube. Check it out and make the change... YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!! 

Kind regards and with the greatest appreciation from South Africa. George MacDonald

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