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From 88 kilos (194 lbs) to 62 kilos (136.5lbs) on Keto


By: Maria

Hi, my name is Maria, l live in Nice, France. I was suffering from all things being overweight at 88 kilos back in 2019 at age 58: fatty liver, jaundiced eyes, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, IBS, insomnia, fatigue. The worst culprit was drinking liters of fruit juice shakes which gave me chronic inflammation! I came across Dr. Berg's Youtube channel and was tempted to try as I saw one could eat 'healthy fats'. I began Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto on March 1st, 2019. Straight away I noticed my starch cravings disappear and I could happily not eat between meals. To start with I had three meals but soon adapted to the two meals a day within six hours. I did experience the Keto flu and bad breath for a few weeks, but that passed. The weight just dropped off, and most of the weight came off in the first year. Surprisingly my hips and derriere slimmed very quickly. I lost three dress sizes in the first year I am now a size 40 French size / 12 UK. The weight stabilized from 88 kilos to 62 kilos after two years 1st March 2020, I am still hoping to reach 59 kilos for my height of 164cm within the year. Although the weight stabilized the centimeters still continue to reduce, it is a miracle that my thighs look so good, even though I am now sixty years old I look and feel in my 40s. As my liver pre-Keto was damaged with the fatty liver, I do still have some yellow on the whites of my eyes, but realize that I still probably have another year to completely renew my liver. I still get inflammation but I can now deduce it to what I eat, i.e if I eat white cabbage, and when I have a naughty day of eating a baguette, which I keep to once a month, my only naughty craving which I know then takes three days to get back on Keto. I certainly can sustain the Keto way of life, and although I know days of fasting with help I have yet to go that route. On the whole, the two meal per day intermittent fasting suits me. I walk every day for exercise, and living by a beautiful coast, with great coastal bicycle routes I cycle regularly, and up in the hills. I am grateful that I found Dr Berg when I did, obviously to find him when I was younger would have been preferred but at least I will age well and healthy, feeling I fit in and not have to find ways to hide my waistline, it's a joy to wear clothes and look good in them again. I would recommend this way of living with the help of Dr Berg's many, many videos that answer all of one's queries. " THANK YOU DR BERG FOR YOUR DEDICATION AND RESEARCH THAT YOU KINDLY SHARE "

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