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First successful case from mainland China

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By: CJ Chen

Hello Dr. Berg

My name is C.J Chen, from Beijing, China.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for giving me a second life. China is the country with the richest cuisine in the world. Each province, each city, and even each village has its own unique cuisine. It is said that there are more than 20,000 kinds of Chinese dishes. If humans are the species at the top of the food chain, then the Chinese must be at the top.

This has also led to people eating too much and eating frequently, and diseases caused by obesity seriously threaten people's health. As for myself, before the age of 30, I ate three meals a day with a lot of snacks in between. According to your calculation, I ate about 7 meals a day. At that time, I exercised a lot and I was young, so there was no problem. The problem appeared when I was around 40 years old. I often felt pain in the right side of my abdomen. During the day, my mind was not very clear, and I was often dizzy and sleepy. Finally, one day while riding a bicycle, I suddenly fainted and became unconscious.

It was the police who called my family and said I was unconscious. Fortunately, I woke up later. In the hospital, I had more than 40 stitches on my head and suffered multiple injuries all over my body. The results of the blood test showed that my blood lipids, cholesterol, and blood sugar had all exceeded the standard, and the syncope caused by blood lipids caused the accident.

Only then did I realize the fragility of life, and we must cherish health. I consulted a doctor on how to lower blood lipids, and the doctor told me not to eat meat, but to eat only vegetables and rice every day. I tried it for a month, and the indicators are still very high. At this time, I began to search for information on the Internet, and saw your video, which gave me hope and let me understand how the human body works correctly.

So I started the Berg’s diet: First, I gave up snacks and only ate three meals a day, and if I wanted to eat snacks, I ate them with the three meals. Second: Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and focus on vegetable fat and protein. Third: Change from three meals to two meals, fast for 18 hours, and drink various beverages in between: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and yeast. The effect is obvious. One month later, I went for a blood test, and all the indicators had returned to normal. I lost 10 pounds, my mind was clear, and I never felt sleepy in the daylight. I am 46 years old this year.

For five years, I have maintained the 18-6 fasting mode. At the same time, I have tried your various health methods, such as hair, skin, bags under the eyes, and sleep. Compared with my peers, my state is much younger. I took a photo and compared it to my 30-year-old self, and I think this is the best proof of Dr. Berg's diet. Thank you very very much! After my own success, I passed my experience on to my family, my parents, my wife, and they all benefited.

My father is 80 years old. He has lost 7 kilograms, his belly has become smaller, his waist is no longer painful, and he still drives by himself. I know that in America 90 year olds drive their own cars, but in China it's a miracle. He is the oldest Chinese car owner certified by Tesla. My mother is 76 years old, has breast cancer, and has type 2 diabetes for 25 years. She has always been obese, which is very dangerous and may relapse at any time. I let her go on a 16-8 fast, and she has lost 10 kilograms. She is in very good condition, and she still rides a bicycle every day.

I'm now an ambassador for the Berg diet :), telling them that their diet is wrong and not good for their health. This saved a lot of families and lives, which is a very good contribution. I have a regret: after watching your video, many people want to buy Berg brand products, but they can’t buy them in China. There are a few sellers who purchase from the United States, but it will take 15 days on the road. Hope that one day, Berg products will appear on Chinese shopping platforms, please put my story on the top, I hope more of my compatriots can see it, let them change their inherent eating habits, let them follow Dr. Berg

Thanks again Dr. Berg and your team

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