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Sylvia Fleck|FINALLY


By: Sylvia Fleck

My name is Sylvia, I am 56 years old. All of my life I've been pretty active, from swimming all the time to karate for 10 years. When I was 43, I had to get a hysterectomy, which of course I went into Menopause right away. I am ANTI medications, so I did not take any hormones at all, I did not mind the hot flashes. So, I say within 13 years the weight crept on me, then I begin to look as though I was pregnant! So my whole entire body changed in a blink of an eye, at the time I weigh 230lbs I stood 5'2 feet tall.. because I have a heart condition "bundle branch block", I had to do something so in 2019 I joined Lindora.

After 7 months I lost a lot of weight, and I was down to 175. I loved the way I looked. HOWEVER, I felt HORRIBLE, my hair was falling, my skin was horrible! So I started doing some research and left the program, yes I gained weight back but I was feeling better when I came across Dr. Berg and started listening to his YouTube channel and I got hooked. The way he explains things I absolutely loved it, I ordered my membership yesterday and can't wait to get the product. I don't like going to Dr's because they just want to give out meds and I believe in fixing the problem instead. So been in the 20 hour fasting for 3 months, taking some suggested supplements, I got my blood work back, and it's improving!

So I am happy, I am swimming on a regular basis, and I feel great! I am also doing Keto so it's been amazing, I would love to lose at least 30 lbs since I gained some of the weight back, I am currently 205.. so thank you for all those videos that as pretty much saved my life, it's a work in progress but I will reach my goal. My main goal is to get healthy first , then, if the weight comes off?... great! Thank you!! Sylvia

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