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By: Marissa

I have been fasting off and on for 3 or 4 years. I have made it 48 hours multiple times. This week, I made it a total of 70 hours over the course of a week. Doing intermittent fasting. 36 hours the first day, then 6, 6,9, and 10. Each day, I went all night without eating and waited an extra 6-10 hours without eating. I am trying to build up to a whole week, 2 weeks, then a month! There are multiple case studies that have proven fasting for weeks gets rid of serious conditions!

Such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, mental disorders, etc... I have already lost around 38 pounds! My hair and skin are improving, and my concentration and memory are getting better. Plus my energy is becoming more sustainable! I quit drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, most of my personal hygiene products and chemicals. Plus, I cut back on caffeine. Once I learned that cleaning chemicals and personal hygiene products give people breathing problems, depression, anxiety, joint pain, and cause babies to be born with missing limbs. They also give people memory disorders such as Alzheimer's and Dementia! The caffeine and sugar cause manic episodes and anxiety. I don't want to hurt people. This isn't even mentioning all the environmental problems these chemicals create! I am trying to become at least 60% to 70% vegan. I made it to about 90% for a while. Pretty much the only sources of sugar I eat now are fruit and protein or collagen powders with stevia, allulose, or monk fruit. I don't know that these are all that healthy for you. I'm sure Dr. Berg would talk against them.

BEST OF LUCK ON YOUR FASTING TRIALS!!! Believe that what you do in this world makes a difference, because it does!!!! That is me holding the baby years ago. I was my heaviest weight then. The next picture is me now.

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