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Paddy McCarthy|Fasting


By: Paddy McCarthy

I watched a video you put up about the different types of fasting and the effects they have on one's body. I’m just 70 years old and still work full time in a manual job.

I’ve had the potbelly thingy for a while and decided that I needed to do something about it so I switched to the one meal a day fasting and what a difference it’s made to me. So much energy in the day, but I used to have 3 meals a day and was always tired after eating, but now, wow. Feel better, eat better at night, cut out the carbs, no bread, etc. I haven’t used sugar for many years so that wasn’t a loss for me. Thank you Dr. Berg I’m proof that an old dog can learn new tricks. My favorite meal of the day used to be brekky, so now I have that about twice a week for my main meal. Works for me.

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