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Escape from migraines and into healthier body

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By: Elena

I have been on keto since February 2018, which I started to follow in order to reduce migraines. My migraines started to interfere with my work and personal life in general and my doctor had suggested, that I should take anti-epilepcy drugs on regular basis in order to function. And then I remembered, that I had read about keto and epilepsy and decided to try to change my diet and see if this will help. Keto helped greatly actually, my migraines if not completely gone, but at least became more manageable. I followed dirty-to healthy keto for about three years. I went off of it a couple of times and that didn't end up well - migranes came back right quite fast). I was happy, but I didn't loose any weight, bbecaus eit wasn't that much of a goal. And this February, after realizing that either I will need to get new pants for snowboarding or loose some weight, I decided to get into keto seriously. I did try inermitten fasting before and I really liked the 16:8 in 2020 on workdays with all the lockdowns and work and no open restaurants :). I've binge-watched Dr. Berg and loved the content. With a background in food chemistry a lot of these statements made a lot of sense. So I went from 16:8 to 18:6 to 20:4 and ended up on OMAD. Also I went completely healthy keto. Now I'm changing to 1,5 meals a day, because I do not need to loose more weight. Most important points for me were: salt, potassium, nutritional yeast, ACV and let your body regenerate after workout! (the last one was an eye-opener for me,, as well ass ACV, I experimented a lot to check if it works and it does). In December last year I turned 40. I had no idea I could feel so great! For the health benefits that I got: I got rid of random joint pains, I have absolutely no menstrual cramps (makes life much easier), my migraines are much less frequent, my eczema is under control and my energy level is somewhere else. The picture on the right is 16 kg and 4 months of healthy keto, IF and mindful exersize.

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