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Energetic and Happy


By: Victoria

Fasting and healthy keto has had a wonderful impact on me. Before I was chronically tired, moody, depressed (though I didn't want to admit it), and very achy, especially in the mornings. I’m nearing 30 and even though I know that is still considered young, I was starting to feel age hitting me. I would wake up in the morning and have sore joints and I felt like I just didn’t wake up from an eight sometimes ten-hour sleep. After having my firstborn I was thirty pounds overweight and I decided to change that. I could no longer go on being so tired and sore especially with a newborn; who before I knew it would be crawling and then walking in no time. I found Dr. Berg on YouTube. At this time I was doing “sorta keto” which if you follow Dr. Berg you know that is a big no-no. I gradually started intermittent fasting and cutting carbs. I now on average eat once maybe twice a day with no cravings— almost. I’m am at a healthy weight. I’ve never felt so energetic, not even in my teens. I am motivated, productive, no longer anxious or depressed. I’m even going back to school to finish my degree. Doing healthy keto and understanding why, thanks to Dr. Berg, makes being healthy and weight loss so easy. I am grateful for his shared knowledge and explanations. I look forward to his future videos and motivation. Thank you, Dr. Berg! Victoria

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