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Dr. Berg was my father's life savior


By: Padmanabhan

Hello Dr. Berg, Good day. Five years back I started going to gym to reduce my sugar and get six packs. I used heavy work outs and weights. My sugar was in control but I could never lose my extra fat how much ever I tried, I was only getting tired. I knew some thing was wrong in total. I read books of Arnold for exercises where he dedicated one chapter at the end on nutrition. But that was very basic and was informative at that time when my realisation was happening. After reading that book when I changed my diet to more protein based  (without avoiding carbs) I could see my muscles take better shape, but still I was getting tired and very sleepy with big yarns in the day time. This again made me think I am doing something wrong but since my sugar was in control without medicines and exercise I was maintaining the life style. But deep in my heart I was not convinced, I was not doing enough. I just wanted to know the reason for my fat thickness not going down like many of my friends who had very little subcutanious fat stored. My family is vegetarian and I was blind folded by various media hypes on various products. Then one day unfortunately my father fell sick. He had few complications like heart pumping rate was 40 pct, high BP, mild kidney issues. But he fell sick because of water accumulation in lungs due to poor heart pumping rate. Doctors gave him very expensive medicines and saved him, my family was drained out totally, financially and mentally. I lost my job and was very scared to go to hospital looking at expenses. But I loved my father and I felt terrible that I could not help if he gets same symptoms again. That's when I started seeing Dr. Berg video. Being jobless and with little medical knowledge I used to watch video after videos of Dr. Berg with great enthusiasm. I carefully followed his advise on myself to see if it was true, I ate two kg of chocolates once in a fifteen day period and took blood test to see not only my sugar level went up but my LDL and triglecyrites too went up. So I started to believe Dr. Berg and his videos. Why I had to test his advise was I come from a marine background and have done first aid at sea courses. I was taught regularly that glucose is required for the body and first time when I heard Dr. Berg saying that sugar is not so important and our body can make sugar in absence of external sugar intake, I was shocked as this not told to me in these classes. In fact they teach us to give sugar for low sugar conditions. I was astonished. So I felt I must test this first before trying it on my father. We regularly used to give candies for my father's low sugar conditions along with high dosed diabetic medicines. Second time when my father had water accumulation in lungs and we were again running to cardiologist and nephrologist, lung specialist and finally ended up in hospital with more serious condition. My father was taking all the medicines for years continuously these doctors prescribed still ended up in hospital. During this time I used to check with doctors on his potassium intakes and vit k2 intakes, taking fatty foods that will help him. I was surprised to see they were not having any idea on these basic nutrition knowledge. They were experts in medicine, no one can challenge them in that I agree. We saved him again with their help. I am thankful to them for that. We brought him back to home and I was already at that time peak of my health after trying various advises of Dr. Berg. I lost 10 kgs and lot of fat from tummy area. I was trying to convince my uneducated traditional mother to change my father's diet first. I was fighting with her every day for almost six months. My mother did not believe me and my methods that are basically Dr.Berg diet. I was convinced that my father health was in our family's hand and not in his Doctors any more. It was not fate that determines our health but our nutrition and exercise only. To come to this level of awakening it took me two years. Still my mother could not be convinced. One day my father's Nephrologist told me his pancrease is not secreting enough insulin and hence we have to administer Insulin regularly henceforth. My mother was shocked, we were all shocked but I knew how to reverse it. I thanked God for showing me Dr. Berg on YouTube. This time my mom started to hear me because she was not ready for another hospital trip. I told her to ask the same nephrologist for food tips so he can give medicines and we will add value by changing his diet. To our shock he plainly admitted he cannot advise on nutrition and was clearly telling Ketogenic diets and fasting is not advisable as he does not know about its side effect and how it will impede his treatment. So I politely excused and decided to go full swing on Dr. Berg diet plans. First few insulins were given to help my father but later I stopped it against doctors advise. I started on his vegetables 500 grams raw and cooked, I gave him lot of local cruciferous vegetable specially bitter gaurd which my grand father used to love it and regularly take it. My grand father never went to doctor nor did he had any diabetic condition during his life time. I told this to my mom to convince her. I started his excercises very mildly only to burn any extra sugar in blood, I forced his fasting, added salt, little Epsom salt ( advise from another doctor in you tube to increase magnesium), gave only natural foods like almonds, cashews, home made curds, total stop on sugar and carbs. Fully under my advice. His stamina improved, his mental state improved he gained lot of confidence. Family is now very happy and for last three year he hardly goes to his doctors and lung infections, water accumulation are under control. My mom cuts his carb frequently, some cheat days happen in my absence just to keep my father taste buds in control and to ensure he is happy. When all these were over, one of my father's family friend very old veterinary Doctor Ph.d in vet science visited my father to enquire his health and at the same time my cousin sister who was doing her post graduate in pathology was staying at my home. To our surprise he revealed a fact that veterinary doctors learn a lot about nutrition than human doctors as the vet science is not much rewarding for pharma industry. My sister also confirmed this saying that in her entire five year M. B. B. S course she just might have studied five hours on nutrition. Suddenly, I felt sorry for the future of my country. In these last few years I learned socrates once said "let food be your medicine and medicine be your food", our old Hindu scriptures and holy book Bhavnath Gita had insisted that food affects the psychology of all person and must be carefully wisely selected. Yet these doctors are not aware of this, it's a pity and shameful condition. I have started on a propaganda campaign to stop eating sugar and advising all my friends and relatives to follow it. I am sure I will make a impact to change few more lives. I must thank Dr. Berg for his selfless and undetered contribution to this world. We pray for his success and long life. You were my saviour. Kudos sahib (greatness to you sir). Thanking you, V. Padmanabhan 

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