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Dr Berg system works 200% - I lost 100 pounds of stubborn fat!


By: Benjamin

I am now 62 years of age and my weight is 190 pounds, 6.1 feet tall, feeling healthy, energetic, and making great steps forward in my music and scientific work due to increase of energy levels and cognitive functions and focus during the day and having good night 7-8 hours sleep. 3 years ago in 2018 I was 285 pounds, with super high sugar and blood pressure, spending my days in blurry mind fog and depression. How I changed my life for better? I found Dr Berg’s videos on YouTube and started study them and apply every suggestion he had in his incredible lifesaving nutrition tips and understanding how human body works and what is the best food and amount of it regimen. Thank you Dr Berg! YOU SAVED MY LIFE! Wishing you and all your Family the Best! Sincerely! Benjamin

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