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Dr. Berg Saved Me From Becoming A Diabetic


By: David Gapp

My name is Dave and I am a 60 years old man who was VERY active all of my life. In my early years, I was a high school and college athlete, a US Marine, a Police Officer, and after turning 30, I began a career in remodeling and home building. These jobs, as well as my recreational activities, seemed to keep me on the upper side of what I believed to be "peak health".

During the 1990s and into 2010, I was doing very well at staying fit, I thought..

My diet consisted of LOTS of carbohydrates, soda, milk, chips, beer, candy, as well as meat, fish, and poultry, and occasional veggies and fruit. At 45, I noticed my toes becoming numb. I blamed it on several things, and my doctor just said that it might be from a lower back problem that I was developing.

Into my 50's, I began to notice a "beer belly" beginning to develop. I actually began to experiment with long periods of ice cream binging, and watching it grow very quickly, and then after long periods of ice cream, I fast and watching it shrink. But each time, it did not shrink more than half of what it grew.

At 55, I slipped on ice and landed flat on my back. This gave me a very severe concussion and broke my neck. After two surgeries and four years of stagnation and inactivity, I began to notice a severe decline in my vital signs, and my body always felt as if it was on fire. The burning was intense. My BP was reaching 160/100, resting heart rate was over 95. Weight gain in the midsection. I was 6'6" and 255 lbs most of my adult life and was always very muscular.

(Now, I am 6'4" 235 lbs, from a spinal degenerative condition that is genetic, called SBMA) At 58, I began to notice a quick decline in muscle mass. I could barely walk. And with balance issues from my neck and head injury, it seemed as if I was on a slippery slope to a quick end. It was at this point, that I ran across Dr. Berg's videos on Insulin Resistance. I began to change my diet to Dr. Berg's recommendations. I started a supplement regimen that included alpha lipoic acid and benfotiamine. I remained confident that I would see results, and I have.

Today, I am happy to see the gradual and healthy changes that have taken place in my aging body. My BP is 128/70, my heart rate is 75 avg, I have lost 20 lbs of body fat, my eyesight seems to have improved from occasionally blurry to sharp and clear and seeing colors more vividly. My concentration and focus have returned (that I blamed on losing, due to my head injury). Even though I deal with an incurable genetic disorder (discovered during this process) called Kennedys Disease, I have found relief from the burning in my body, by stopping the stuffing of it with sugars, carbohydrate overloads, and processed foods. I was on the verge of becoming a full-blown diabetic. Even though the doctor was scratching his head at why my peripheral neuropathy was so severe by this time, tests showed that I was at a 5.7 glycemic index.

It was actually my Neurologist that warned me that I was "pre-diabetic", a terminology that I had no concept of. This taught me one important lesson. All doctors are not the same. As my brother reminded me "The Doctor that graduated Medical school at the top of the class, and the Doctor that graduated at the bottom of the class, are BOTH Doctors". So, we cannot always depend on them to guide us in the right direction. For me and in MY CASE, the education that Dr. Berg has provided me through his online videos and instruction has helped me to draw back from the precipice of senior citizen life, full of pharmaceutical drugs, despair, health problems from lifestyle and diet and has given me the ammunition and intelligence, this old Marine needed to continue to stay healthy and relevant.

Thank you for reading this far, if you will now excuse me, I now feel as if I have more life to live, and a purpose, once again. Thank you so very much, Dr. Eric Berg. You helped me to begin recovery in a way that I could never fully show my gratitude for... And it has all been free.

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