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Diabetic Retinopathy Management w/ Keto

Images Story

By: Claudia

Hi! My name is Claudia and I’m from the Minneapolis area. In my mid-30s. Diabetic type 2 and have I retinopathy in both eyes. I share my profile with you because I’ve been practicing Keto and IF with once-a-month extended fasting to help control both my diseases and have had such amazing success! If anyone else is living with these two diseases, I hope my story helps in any way. I have been practicing a Ketogenic lifestyle for 4 years. My goal continues to NOT let these diseases own my life, but for me to own my diseases. And in turn, own my life! Your YouTube videos have helped me in great ways to both stay on track and get new updated info about the lifestyle and results by others similar to myself with insulin resistance. It’s been insane how much control over my retina bleeding and my life as a whole that this lifestyle has given me back. I am no longer on any medications even for the eyes. With retinopathy, it IS possible to control the bleeding on your own but it takes a long time of blood sugar control and consistency. With practicing my lifestyle, it’s like I have been given the keys to my own car of life and now the control is truly in my own hands.

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