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Dawn Phenomenon


By: JL Bouwer

I am a prediabetic. Have been for about six years. I control it now, by eating right. My HBA1C used to be 11 at first. I have it down to 5,5, last time it was tested in March 2021. One thing that bugged me, was the Dawn Phenomenon. After meals my blood sugar would be well within limits, as I stopped eating carbs, only getting carbs from green vegetables, tomatoes, avocado, and some cheese. But no starches or grains whatsoever. My sugar does not go over 7,2, and drops to 5 an hour after supper. I am on OMAD. I test when I wake up, then at 12 noon, 5pm, and then I eat, and test an hour afterwards. All fine. But when I wake up, 9.8. Where does this glucose coming from? I have read about the dawn phenomenon, watched videos, yours included, but there was no solution. So. I decided to fast. I watch a lot of your videos. What to do and what not to do. Day 1, it was 9.9 when I woke up.. Day two 9.6. Best in years. Day 3, 8.2. Day 4, 6.3. It was coming down. Day 5, 5.3. Normal. Day 6, 4.8. Day 7, 5.2. Somewhere was a huge store of glucose that just lingered, and staying without food for seven days, depleted it. I started eating again, OMAD, no starches, etc, but eating salads and green vegetables again, and it slowly started creeping up again. Day 4 of eating, 5.6. Day 5, 5.8. Day 6, 6.1. I decided to cut ALL carbs. Not even lettuce or broccolli or swiss chard, nothing. Meat and butter and ghee and cheese are all I eat now. It is stable, varying from 4.8 to 5.5 daily. But clearly, no more dawn phenomenon. I must be super sensitive to carbohydrates, even the tiny amounts in leafy vegetables. My body finds a way to store it somewhere as glucose. I am 55. I had a heart attack and quadruple bypass when I was 46. I was very active then, having a very physical, demanding job working 6 to 6, seven days a week. The heart problems are in the family. Father at 53, grandfather at 52, sister at 48. I survived. I realise now that I have been glucose intolerant all my life. Pudgy as a boy, went to the army, we had to, here in South Africa, where we were super fit, but I always had a potbelly. Stayed fit all my life, cycling, running, but always the belly. Even had a sixpack over all the visceral fat. Now, the benefits of fasting. I did the 7 days, and I am back on OMAD. It is six weeks since I started the fast. I lost 17kg. After the heart attack life got slower, so I picked up a lot of weight. From 125kg down to 108kg in six weeks. I still have about 20kg to go. Blood sugar tests are perfect. I test 4 times a day. Now for the shocking benefits. My hair is starting to grow again. I had typical male pattern baldness, shiny pate at the back and on top, with n ring of hair round the side. It is just a fluff growing now, but progressively getting thicker. I am almost totally grey. Started in my sideburns when I was 16. My beard is silver. I noticed that there is dark brown hair starting to grow in my beard. My hair looks darker as well. My hair was never totally silver, that is why I first noticed it in my beard. There is definitely some major things happening in my body, and I think the long fast triggered it. And the absolutely NO Carb must be helping as well. Question is, can I carry on just eating meat? I love vegetables, and somehow I think we are supposed to be omnivores? Years ago I followed a blood group regime, and being A+ I am supposed to be a vegetarian? I think I did a lot of damage with all the grains and stuff that I was " supposed" to eat. Anyway, thanks for all your informative videos. They help me a lot in my search for truth! Regards Johan. PS: English is not my first language, so I hope that I could convey what I wanted to say.

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