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Daisy Friman's Story

Images Story

By: Daisy Friman

Daisy Friman’s keto journey began when she found Dr. Berg videos during a keto Internet search. In January 2018, Friman’s doctor suggested losing weight to help with some of her medical issues. At the time, she weighed 188 pounds (85 kg) at only 5’1” (155 cm) tall. She had hyperthyroidism, prediabetes, high blood pressure, inflammatory skin conditions, and stomach problems.

“I have [been on] multiple antibiotics and medications for my skin since I was 10 years old,” she said. “Those medications did nothing good for my stomach either.”

Friman also suffered from female problems like hormonal imbalances, cysts, and myomas. She was moody and tired and found it difficult even to walk her dogs. These were the things that were making her life tough, in May 2018 when she decided to start keto.

“I did not have any support at first. In fact, many people were against this,” she said. “Many laughed, others got mad, one even screamed to my face that keto is sick. I found my keto family from Facebook later.”

Other people’s attitudes toward keto were the hardest part for Friman. Yet every day on keto she felt better and her skin improved. She began to have a “light feeling”.

In her keto process, learning about the effects of alcohol on fat burning was a major takeaway from Dr. Berg’s YouTube videos. She also took it as a blessing that she didn’t have to eat five to eight times a day to lose weight.

In ten months Friman lost 78 pounds (35 kg), which was her weight-loss goal to begin with. “I feel amazing,” she said. “My blood pressure, sugars, and other values are normal now. I actually like sports and have so much more energy.”

“The only thing I would do differently is take more Before pictures!” she said.

Favorite Way to Exercise:I have started to train for half marathon,” said Friman. “I fell in love with running.”

Favorite keto Recipe: Zucchini lasagna

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