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Covid to cut

Images Story

By: Regie Hamm

Dr. Berg, My wife started keto back in March of this year. At the same time, I was recovering from a horrible (near-deadly) bout of Covid and looking for some ways to get healthier and stronger. She was listening to a podcast she kept telling me about and I had stumbled on some YouTube videos I kept telling her about.

One day, we compared notes and realized we had both stumbled onto YOU at the same time. Just in different places. We had been healthy and in great shape at one time. We knew about the dangers of sugar and stayed away from it. We understood the concept of eating Whole Foods and the importance of eliminating processed foods. But years of raising and caring for a daughter with a severe disability had kept us in constant stress and we often managed it with poor choices; alcohol being one of them.

After Covid, I knew I had to make a change. I started out just looking for information on how to get rid of a fatty liver. I knew I had one. That’s how I found your videos. I devoured them constantly and learned so much valuable information, that I immediately put them into practice, including some key missing pieces I had never put together before; The concepts of lowering insulin and fasting.

On March 25th I had my last drink then went all-in on healthy keto, then on into intermittent fasting. Then extended fasting. I incorporated weight training, HIIT cardio as well as LISS cardio. And I walk 45 minutes a day, EVERY DAY, before each workout. And ZERO alcohol. After 6 months, I have lost 60 pounds (242 on the left to 185 on the right) lowered my blood pressure to that of a teenager, brought my elevated liver enzymes and high triglycerides back into normal ranges, and (at 54-years-old) DOUBLED my testosterone from what it was when I was 44.. 10 years ago!

I feel better than I have in decades and I believe that I’m going into an exciting new chapter of life I didn’t know was possible. My workouts have exploded to new levels and my body is responding in ways I thought were over for someone my age. I will lift weights in a (sometimes) 30-hour fasted state and want to keep lifting - not hungry - endless energy - ready for the next challenge. Now, I don’t think about the number of candles on the birthday cake. I also don’t think about the cake. I just think about the next goal and the next way to get stronger and healthier. 

My life has truly transformed and so much of it is because of you and your steady stream of free information. Please don’t stop talking and sharing your knowledge. The world needs to hear it. And it’s working. I honestly cannot thank you enough… Regie Hamm

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