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By: Clara Doneo

Mother of three kids, 45 years of age, with slow thyroid after every pregnancy, and cholestasis which led to cesarean every time I was pregnant. I admit during pregnancy was not keto 100% but most of the time and gained only 5 kgs. 75 kgs as starting and 80/81 at the last baby super strong with ideal weight and healthy. After my last pregnancy, I had a fatty liver that runs in my family and started to have chronic pain in my gallbladder which they found stones. It happened last year during Covid19 lockdown and the anxiety did not help, so I had gastritis too which is low stomach acid and low indigestion. Every time, I refused to take medicine, only had morphine at the hospital during a sludge which is very painful, and last 8 hours. Every time I eat something, my stomach acid use to come up, and I end up throwing. I started to take apple cider vinegar before my meal and though I was a bit scared since it's very acidic itself, it worked as well… I decided to be 100% keto but leaner meats mostly turkey and fish, could not have ribeye unless an attack occurred but I had my avocados, olives, eggs, and most important kale, spinach, and other greens. I started listening to Dr. Eric Berg every day before I sleep and use to imply his insights into my lifestyle. I realized I had a liver body type fat around the belly around our organs and realized my body needed time to heal. It was not going to happen overnight with all the issues and slow thyroid my body was going through I accepted that but remained consistent for a year. Long walks helped me to keep my sanity and energy up but not with the loss of body fat. Only when I started HIT high-intensity training that my body composition changed and body fat going down. I bought kettlebells for home use and I do 4 times a week intense workouts and the rest jogging and short sprints. This has to be applied to our lifestyle every day, no sugar rule, eat protein with additional good fats, and drink your salad like Dr. Eric himself says! Dr. Eric Berg has been a lifesaver, my physicians want to remove my gallbladder as they said once the attacks start they simply remove it. But I persisted and after a year I am still holding to my organ. I made my research on Dr. Eric Berg and on his videos about gallbladder he mentioned bile salts, and the way he explained everything is so simple and easy to apply, explains it to us so that we could apply it and that is what I did and they work! Take those bile salts as a detergent for whoever suffers from constipation or gallbladder issues. Two mornings, two evenings and I can indulge in my ribeye again once in a while without attacks! When it comes to sugar there is no halfway, you take it and you suffer the consequences, inflammations weight gain, bloating, low energy, high blood sugar, mood swings, and many many more… it simply sabotages and ruins our body. But I do have my dark chocolates and keto desserts so I can still enjoy my guilty pleasure. Thanks for all your insights, videos, supplements to better one’s life ♥️  Thank you soo much!!

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