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Coming off Psych Drugs


By: Robbie

I appreciate how you share the info that you do and wish I knew more when I made the transition to come off meds. I am a 60 years woman who has gone through many dark times. I was medicated for 27 years on hardcore psych drugs due to trauma issues. One of which included the murder of my own mother at 12 years old and then the stepmother nearly 24 years later by her stalker and there were other areas that are too long to write.

Crazy how not enough information is out on this, especially for the doctors to assist someone, not one of the ones I worked, knew anything about how to assist me. In fact, when I did find what I needed to work,  one asked me how I knew what to use because it would work on the brain. But because I am a believer, my prayers became desperate to get off these things, I was ignorant of what I needed to do.

I began a sincere heart cry out to God to help me so I began with Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, L-Tryptophan. Made many changes to figure out what worked best. Omega 3's are essential, no doubt, and I still take higher doses than the standard!!! My diet had to change, I had severe reflux with it bolting out of my nose in the middle of the night and had no idea what was happening. I could no longer take the PPIs because of the side effects. Went to double doses of Zantac and still had issues. Read up on Gluten, low and behold I stopped it, and BAM! No more issues.

Dairy was the next culprit, my face started breaking out like a teenager along with digestive problems. GONE now and no more issues. Sugar, I am very limited to it as well, maybe a little Salted Carmel Syrup in coffee that's it! I felt as though I was dying inside. My body was struggling, my bones suffered, I lost 7 teeth and now I have permanent ringing in my ears because of the Depakote they placed me on. THAT drug nearly caused a serious suicide attempt! I was hospitalized several times in the course of all of this because of destructive behaviors or medication changes. My first attempt with these drugs was when I was in the military. They put me on Haldol and Artane because I became angry and threw a chair. I was on Lithium for nearly 12 before the kidneys started shutting down. I had to keep transitioning many times that included SSRI's and SNRIs, sleeping meds, PPIs, etc. to find what would work and remain stable. I was on maybe a total of 5 different drugs at on time just for my head alone then on top of the other meds nearly was around 10-12 total. I kept an image of all the pill bottles in a box as a reminder but it's at home. I am blown away at what little people know about these drugs but would rather take a quick route for immediate relief.

Today, I am 4 years completely med-free!! I can't say that I haven't continued to struggle but it's mostly in my body. I lost nearly 45 pounds just coming off the meds. I could stand to lose about 25 more. I have sincerely considered keto, but I struggle to eat and prepare foods yet today. I don't eat junk, fast foods, or crazy things I just can't seem to get the proper nutrient's in so I eat very simple and work on trying to eat more meals and I honestly don't have the capacity to count carbs or calorie's right now. That being said, I do keep looking for keto things hoping one day I will get there. Thank you for all the information you share and for being able to share this testimony because that's what it is. Stay strong!

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