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Chronic B12 neural meltdown

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By: Pavlin

Hi there, Pavlin, currently 37 years old, one year after my complete recovery. From Bulgaria :) I was an uneducated vegetarian for about 4 years before I had a small nerve pinched on my left elbow. I was about 95kg at 180cm height. Little did I know that I haven't taken in any B12 in those 4 years and that nerve got infected and it spread to my neck, left arm, and down my spine. I lost all my savings on doctors that kept injecting me with all kinds of shots, my behind was starting to look like I had a botox intervention :D. Those shots did next to nothing, I felt great for a few hours, and down it went again. At one point, the chronic pain and damage got so massive, I almost lost my entire hearing, I had a few 3-4 day periods completely paralyzed from the neck down and unable to go out of bed or move at all. I lost 45 kg of weight in less than 2 months. I found your videos where you once mentioned how B12 deficiency leads to neural degeneration, the next day I baked in my oven a red pork steak and on the next day, I felt unimaginably better for the first time in what seemed an eternity of pain. Came out of that with massive amounts of allergies, but with OMAD for a few months, eating a good big salad and some meat (basically 23 and a half hours of fasting and 30 minutes of eating without any exceptions for 3 months) and that fixed all of those. It's now one year after this and I feel great, 80kg. Became pretty sensitive to all carbs and now I have here and there some of that sweet drug :D Thank you, Deeply.

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