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Burnin off the Weight


By: Donna Tona

I'm a farm gal born and raised in Canada. I grew up on a cattle horse, we had land, a big herd of cattle and we were busy. I was born with a big frame with my ring finger size 13 and maintained my weight at 185.

Now if you don't see me and just read this you would think obese but not even close as I'm also 6 feet tall. So the BMI charts that had me obese would have had me skeletonized if I had followed them for long. Even insurance companies couldn't get it through their heads and their policies. So like all of you, as I got older it became harder to lose and when I married for the first time at 34, I gained about 70 lbs of "happy fat" and was travelling for business pretty heavily so restaurant food and long flight hours did their job marvelously. I can tell you all that I tried everything and would lose and then gain. You know the story.

Fast forward to February 2022, when a friend got me started on Dr. Berg and I listened to him and watched his videos and decided that at 61 I would try this fasting his way because I naturally gravitate to keto and as I remembered my childhood I never ate breakfast and ate only when hungry. So I tweaked a few things and started fasting 20:4. I love to eat at night so my 4 hours are between 7 and 10. COVID and Inflation certainly helped as like all of you none of us in either country are buying a lot of anything including groceries.

Within 3 weeks my body started to respond and started dropping weight. I was 269 and had lost 20 before I started fasting but I was stuck at 245. As of today April 21, 2022, I'm now at 227 and on my way to my goal at 190. Still losing and not hungry. My go-to coffee in the morning is coffee, cinnamon, heavy cream and butter or MCT oil.

I finally bought a new pair of jeans at my husband's insistence as he was sick of my diaper butt that I didn't even know existed. I also don't eat as much during my window anymore either and I feel so much better. I can tie my shoes without calling for paramedics for oxygen and laying on the bed to do up pants with a coat hanger hooked to a crane, is a thing of the past.

There are loads of platitudes that I could espouse and yes I ignored and fiddled for years about my weight and made excuses and bought bigger black clothes and all the things we do. Everyone has their own journey but I can assure you that one day we all wake up and look in the mirror and declare "this is enough". As Yoda would say, "do or do not, there is no try"!. Many thanks, Dr. Berg, you are the first in years that makes true sense!

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