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Bedridden To Living Life

Images Story

By: Danielle Anastasia

My name is Danielle. I hope you don't mind a "lengthy" story. I have been a house painter since I was a child. I have always been physically active and healthy-ish. But I was also very accident-prone. Been hit by 8 cars, not on the same day, and never if I was driving. Some were when I was on a bicycle. I had a 30-pound nail gun fall on my head from a 2nd story rooftop. I have been pistol-whipped. And many other less serious injuries that come along with being a bit of a wild child. All that finally came to collect from me about 3 years ago. The price came in the form of 2 severe bulging discs in my neck, 1 severe and one moderate bulging disc in my sacral/lumbar, and one mild in my mid-spine.

I went from a hard-working/ hard playing active person to a bedridden shell of who I was. Lying in bed in horrible pain, lucky to get 2-3 hours of sleep before the pain woke me up again. Could not work, couldn't read, couldn't hang out with friends, couldn't play frisbee.....might be too much info but I can't even have sex. Too much pain.

I spent the past few years gaining weight, my face showed all my pain and my decline in health. I was weak and my limbs would go numb sporadically. I woke up fully paralyzed more than a few times, that's scary. The only thing I REFUSED to give up was taking care of my dog. I would suffer through any amount of pain to bring him out for his walks. Sometimes, I would be doubled over from the pain. Few times, I had to crawl the rest of the way to my apartment. People suggested I put him down or give him away, I couldn't do that and I have that Motherly Love for him.

I bought many things that advertised they would help people with my type of injuries/pain. Most were scams. Till I finally ran across an inversion table and a Sunny air walker. That got me "well enough" to function on a basic level. It was about this time I ran across your vids and I gave it a shot. Your vids were very simple, clear, and fully informative. So I designed a routine diet based on your videos and what was ailing me. You played a major role in my recovery.

I start off my morning with a black iced coffee, nothing special, just regular coffee. That would last me till a little afternoon. Suppressed hunger so I considered it my "fasting time". Then I would have a salad of Romaine, real bacon bits, banana peppers, and a few boiled eggs. That would keep me satisfied till late evening. Then I would eat some tuna or Brussel sprouts. Would only drink water after the coffee. The results were AMAZING. I lost a lot of weight while regaining a healthy look and was not sure if the diet played a role but my pain was lessened. All my friends I avoided while I was bedridden started to notice. Nothing but compliments. Some even admitted they were thinking I wouldn't be alive much longer. They only admitted that because it seemed because I'm doing so much better that I'm almost as good as I was before I was bedridden. I recently added a Blueberry smoothie to my diet and that put me over the line of looking great and feeling great again.

Now my spine is still damaged and I am fighting and losing battle with it. But I am fighting it and holding my ground in that fight. Nobody gets out of life alive. But when my time does come, I'll go with my head up. And that is in part thanks to you and your videos. I am very grateful. I will never be able to paint houses again that hurts because I loved my career. But now I'm focused on finding a way to open a neighborhood coffee house, nothing "uppity", and serve foods/meals that are Keto friendly. I want people to make their own healthy choices in life without feeling "pushed". And the coffee house I hope I can get started will have those keto healthy options without being "in your face" keto option.

Thanks for reading this and sorry it was soooooooooooo long lol. Sent pics of when I used to work and one of me recently sitting on a chair. The one in the chair is after I started getting better but before I cut my hair due to the tangles from being bedridden.

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