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Autoimmune & Gut Repair + Fast Loss & Muscle Growth


By: Garrett F Aziz

When I was young, I was given many antibiotics. I also became allergic to dairy/beef (all byproducts of the cow). Around the age of ten, I developed extreme eczema all over my legs. After years of working on my will as a young child and pre-teen, I was finally able to kick the dairy addiction and my skin cleared up. However, every time I ate food, I had to defecate nearly instantaneously (IBS).

As the years went on, my IBS got slowly better, and little to no eczema. Around 20/21, I developed an allergy to wheat. This was induced by frequent beer and whiskey as well as pasta and bread. I eliminated the wheat and the wheat-based alcohol but still drank. A few years ago in my early 30's, my eczema started coming back with a vengeance. For the past 60+ days, I've been doing keto & intermittent fasting (18/6) + the past few weeks I have been weight lifting most days as well. I am 5' 9" and went from nearly 170lb to 145, dropped body fat % from 19%+ down to 17%. Now with frequent weight lifting, I am taking my 145lb baseline and steadily gaining lean muscle mass averaging almost 150lbs. I am only in the early stages and am by far the best shape of my life and I am 33, looking forward to continued growth in this area! I have some carbs or a little alcohol only once a week or once every other week. I have been taking L-glutamine @ 10grams 2X daily too along with many other supplements + heavy on organic Brussel sprouts & our farm fresh eggs daily. The eczema is almost entirely gone from the lifestyle changes the past 60 days and working towards long-term healing of the gut. THANK YOU DR. BERG, YOU'RE THE MAN ! ! !

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