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Asthma cured with vitamin D3 & K2m7 —No more inhalers needed!!!


By: Star

A friend recommended Dr. Berg’s video about curing asthma with vitamin D3 and K2. I followed Dr. Bergs protocols for the ratios between the amounts of each vitamin.—100mg vitamin K2 per each 10,000IU of D3. I started with 30,000IU 0f D3 and 300mg of K2 but it wasn’t enough to clear my lungs so I upped my dosage to 50,000 IU D3 and 500mg of K2 and my lungs cleared!!! I didn’t need the inhalers at all anymore!!! After a few months, I forgot to order the K2 on time and on the third day my lungs started to become congested again (there was a lot of pollen in the air but no smoke or Saharan sands here) and luckily my K2 arrived and I was able to take my D3 with it. This incident proved to me that the D3 & K2 were keeping the asthma at bay. I’d much rather be taking vitamins making me healthy than be dependent on inhalers which didn’t clear my lungs for more than 2 hours and then I had to take a different kind of inhaler all of which kept me on edge to be carrying around inhalers for the rest of my life. The D3 & K2 are taken in the morning with my vitamins then no worries for the rest of the day!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you Dr. Berg!!!

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