As of today, I have lost almost 60 lbs!
By: Cenny C.
Dr. Berg: I'm submitting the attached pics as I am overjoyed by the success. I am experiencing this because of your guidance on Keto and IF. The great benefits of healthy keto, how easy and long-lasting it is, and that it is the healthiest way of eating! I have been enjoying the keto lifestyle for over a year and never wanted to change. I have always been conscious of my health. I have always been a dieter, losing and gaining weight all my adult life. Over the years, I have tried soooo many diets: -Bohemian Diet (Dick Gregory) -Lemonade Diet (Master Cleanse) -Fat-Free Flavor Full (Dr. Mirkin) Featured in Women’s World Magazine - B12 shots (Dr. Bill), HCG shots, you name it! In late 2017, I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and with torn meniscus and arthritis in my knees. I refused the diabetic meds my doctor offered. I began to visit orthopedic doctors to get opinions for knee surgery. One doctor told me that he would not do the surgery because I was too fat! Although I was offended, he continued to tell me that if I lost 10 lbs it would be like 90 lbs off my knee. Well, I had been listening to you for over a year and thought, maybe I should stop only watching your videos and do what you say! Slowly but surely I started losing weight and the knee was feeling better. Well... I had lost about 40 lbs in about 5 months when I attended your Keto Summit at National Harbor and was amazed at how you and the presenters, doctors, scientists, athletes, nutritionists, etc. explained and illustrated how Keto is the best way to get healthy and stay healthy! (I am the one that posted the video in front of the Gaylord telling others about the Summit, by the way). Attending the Summit greatly affected my desire to continue to be healthy and to help others to do so. While at the Summit I signed up to become a Keto Coach! As of today, I have lost almost 60 lbs! Here's the pics! My A1c is a below 6. Have not had to have surgery on my knees, they feel so much better! Thank You So Much Dr. Berg!
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