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Anna Hope's Story

Images Story

By: Anna Hope

Anna Hope started keto in early March 2019 after her weight reached 271 pounds (123 kg) with a BMI in the “clinically obese” range. She wore maternity clothes, developed PCOS and Fat Storing Hormone resistance, and felt self-conscious, lethargic, and depressed.

“I couldn't continue to live that way anymore,” Hope said. “I was eating my way into an early grave.”

She began to research the keto diet on YouTube and found Dr. Berg’s videos. “The first video that I came across of his was the [one called] 'How to Do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss,'” she said. “After watching, I was instantly inspired by his knowledge and encouragement.”

This led Hope to watch more of his videos, follow him on Facebook, and join the Keto and IF Lab Facebook group where she learned many major lessons. “Whenever I'm having a bad day, I go and watch loads of Dr. Berg’s videos,” she said. “It refreshes my mind, reminds me why I chose to do this, and keeps me on track!”

“The main [lesson I learned] would be that sugar and carbs are responsible for almost all common and major health issues. I never would have thought that a low-carb and high-fat diet would help me get healthy and lose weight,” she said. “I love that he teaches us to 'first get healthy, to then lose weight.' My weight loss is rapid, and my body isn't deficient!”

 Along with the support of her fiancé and close family members, Hope is encouraged by all the compliments she has received on how well she’s been doing or how great she looks. “Hearing people tell me this always seems to refuel my determination!” she said.

For Hope, the hardest part of keto was to simply begin the process. It took her a while because she wanted to know everything about it so she would do things right from the get-go. “That mental state of mind to tell myself ‘right, I'm starting now,’ was a difficult hurdle for me to get over,” she said. “I'm a very 'all or nothing' person.”

Now, she’s reaping the rewards of keto: she feels incredible, and wishes she had done it sooner. Her menstrual cycle is back to normal. She has more energy than she used to, her sleep has improved, and she doesn’t feel hungry.

“Internally, the benefits of Healthy Keto and IF are amazing and healing me,” said Hope. “Externally, I'm finally loving the lady who looks back at me in the mirror, I'm developing a shape I never knew I could have, and I'm pleasantly surprised at my skin, which appears to be bouncing back!”

In 12 weeks, Hope has lost 65 pounds (29 kg). These results keep her going. “That is insane!” she said. “It goes to show, if you really do this properly, you WILL get rapid results!”

“I was the most unmotivated person in the whole world,” said Hope. She advises: “Seriously, if I'm doing this... ANYONE can! And I mean it. Once you completely know how to do healthy Keto and IF, you'll love it. I promise!”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Walking quickly to work instead of driving, HIIT with long regular rests, and Dr. Berg’s reverse sit-ups

Favorite Keto Recipe: Karen and Dr. Berg’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

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