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Sandra|Amazing Results


By: Sandra

I will be 66 years old in December. In January 2019, I went to an acupuncturist because I had severe eczema on my hands and feet. He had me do acupuncture treatments, Chinese herbs, and dietary changes for 3 months. The dietary changes included no meat, no sugar, no alcohol but all the fruit and veggies I wanted. During these three months, I lost quite a bit of weight. Eczema improved and my overall appearance improved. But then eczema came back horribly again.

Then in October of 2019, I had a Chemical Allergy Patch test done. It showed that the main culprit to my eczema was a substance called PPD. It is used in hair dyes. I am highly allergic to it. But I am also very allergic to many other things. So much so that even the doctors shook their heads and said "Wow! You are allergic to a lot of things". I stopped having my hair dyed. Eczema steadily improved, without any flareups. I stayed on the vegetarian/vegan diet for a year. But I decided to add the meat back, in as I felt my body needed it.

Then during the first part of the pandemic, I began watching more of your videos. I decided to adopt a healthy keto-based diet. I eat full-fat meats. I have 36% cream in my espresso in the mornings, I eat lots of healthy, organic when possible, keto-friendly veggies. I eat berries for my fruit intake, I eliminated all grains, and I had already been gluten-free for about 8 years because I have Hashimoto’s and my doctor advised me to quit eating it. When I did, my intestinal problems went away almost entirely. I stopped eating gluten-free products because from watching your videos I could see the ingredients were not good for me. I am generous in adding healthy salt to my food. And I use a good amount of butter and olive oil with my food. I also began adding some nutritional supplements you suggested. Especially to help liver health, as abdominal ultrasounds showed I had a little bit of fatty liver.

I do not check my ketones. I don’t want that pressure. I am going on how I feel and how I look. Then in August, I had a blood test done. My first in a year because of the pandemic. It was amazing! All my test results that had been abnormal, or were at the border of being abnormal, all came back completely within normal range! My kidney blood tests had not been normal for about 3 years. My liver function tests were the very limit of normal. My cholesterol had been abnormal since having Hashimoto’s. All of the tests came back with great results! My doctor was happy. I was thrilled!

I am on Zoom several times a week with friends for my Christian meetings and ministry. Many times this past year and a half I have been told that I am "glowing". That my hair looks wonderful. I am often told I look so young and beautiful. I attribute it to applying your advice.

Thank you!!! Thank you very much for making your videos so informational, without involving a lot of time to watch. When I see some videos by other people that are over 20 minutes, I often do not have the desire to watch them. But your videos are perfect!

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