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AL Yeti Bones Drops 125 lbs!

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By: Alex Petrovich

Four years ago, I was struggling. I had been struggling for years prior! Being a traveling musician, touring and performing has its own mental and physical struggles, to say the least, no habits that would be conducive to my success on and off the stage either. I am not just a musician, I am also a Group Benefits Specialist. I am also an author of a music industry book and a podcast host and blogger. But I was miserable for a lot of reasons, but the main one was my health. And as we all know, that trickles into so many facets of your life and affecting the quality of life you not just feel personally, but the quality of energy you emit to the world around you. I learned of going Ketogenic when I weighed upwards to 325 lbs. I needed a shake. Not a milkshake, a swift shake from the shoulders that could rattle the obesity out of my brain! That kind of shake. Real talk as they call it! I began researching everything I could on the ketogenic diet. I needed to learn and understand it all! So that's what I did before actually trying it. I'm an observer first, then after a million repetitions I finally get it. So I did that! I began to really understand how the body's hormonal systems work in tandem and in connection to mind, body and spirit and put my knowledge to the test. I began to drop weight like crazy. But that was the byproduct of a healthy mind. I could see i was getting much much healthier in mind, and the body followed. Then the spirit. It was amazing. I lost 125 lbs in total. Sure I stalled out a few times and fell off for a few weeks, during a pandemic, but who didn't! I've been doing a Ketogenic diet for 4 years now and have gotten my life's handle back!!! Through the Berg method, I became a certified coach for the diet aspect and the fasting component too through Dr. Eric Berg. it gave me even more accountability and now I help others all across the world change their lives to the most optimal versions of themselves as well. You're never down and out. the mind set that life sucks and things only get worse comes from a level of severe inflammation and believe me, when that brain fog gets lifted, you very much do feel superhuman.

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