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ACV got my fasting glucose levels back to normal


By: Terri Lormand

Hi Dr. Berg, a little history about me...

I am 59 years old and live in Upstate South Carolina, although I've lived in various places around the country (I'm a Navy brat). I used to be the yo-yo diet champ and finally gave that up after gaining over 50 pounds over a span of about 20 years (you know, go on a diet...lose 10 pounds...get off diet...gain 15-20...go on a diet...lose 10...get off diet...gain 20...etc.)

Then I just lived like any other American, eating very little vegetables and lots of noodles/rice/bread with butter or gravy. I was on medicine for high bp and also was put on a statin (staying on it for only a couple of months before throwing it away because it made me hurt everywhere!) And then finally, I was diagnosed with diabetes and I was confused because I didn't eat a lot of candy or sugar (except in my coffee).

My doctor sent me to a nutritionist and I discovered what carbs were and the havoc they can have on a body, like causing inflammation! Ever since I was diagnosed with diabetes, I've been slowly educating myself on the benefits of lowering my carbs and eating healthier. So I learned to drink my coffee without sugar and I did my best to eat more whole grains as well as smaller portions. A few years after that, I guess around 2017, I discovered the keto diet and that changed my life!

At first, I was skeptical because of my history with diets, and also I felt there is no way I could totally give up bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. But when I started keto, I kept my macros at 70/20/10 and because of all the extra fat, I never even wanted those starchy things! What amazes me is with all that fat, I lowered my triglycerides, raised my HDL, and lost 22 pounds not to mention lowering my A1C from 7.4 down to 5.9 and I was able to get off the metformin...I felt great!

It also kept my doctor off my back about the statins. But then I spent the next couple years going off, and then back on the keto diet, and every time I got back on it was harder to go into ketosis, and my blood sugar started creeping back up. I had started following your videos a couple of years ago and learned so much about health and how food can be healing. So when I noticed that my keto diet did not seem to affect my blood sugar like it used to, I looked to see what you had on the subject. I did not want to go back onto meds! You helped me see that I probably had increased insulin resistance, and one thing that could help was taking apple cider vinegar at night instead of in the morning.

I started trying that a couple of months ago, and my fasting glucose level is now between 80 and 98. Before I started this routine, my morning sugar was between 120 and 150!! I also had my A1C and it was down to 5.1! I'm also working on lengthening my IF. Right now, I try to eat nothing past 6 pm and before 11 am. I'm also trying to get past my 3 o'clock snack, sometimes I make it and other times I just want a spoon of peanut butter or an ounce of cheddar cheese. Drinking more water throughout the day seems to help. I'm still on a blood pressure medicine so I'm trying to add in more exercise. I don't do much since I have a neuromuscular disease that makes it difficult to do much walking. I sometimes ride a stationary bike and also have some 3 and 5-pound dumbbells that I know I should be using, but it's a habit I haven't formed yet. I'm determined now to stick with my keto (although I know there will be the occasional slip-up...like a little homemade banana pudding at our church's annual homecoming potluck lol!) I know my body is in the healing process, I just need to stick with it. It's a lifestyle that I really feel much better about! Thank you, Dr. Berg, for these videos, they are so very helpful! Terri Lormand

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