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A Hungarian (absurd) story

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By: Tamas Toth

Dear Dr. Berg! My name is Tamás! I'm from Hungary. I am just a regular guy, so as only a viewer of your content. My success story can help others, to increase their awareness and not let themselves be driven away from basic and later extendable (but crucial) knowledge. When I saw your very first video on Youtube about the theme of sugar and its (strong) effects. It made me very surprised that you came from the medical field and as you mentioned your youth, where you lived like a regular college student. I'm never been in college. I turned inspired and led gradually starting to make my life more and more healthy as I learned about the different parts of eating habits, kinds of foods, and the anatomy of humans. Myself are slowly started to adapt the sane knowledge about foods, vitamins, minerals, traceable elements, which are needed for our daily routines. From my background, I was a high school graduate, who just wanted to start his life. Here in Hungary, I was poor (my father is an alcohol addict and never given any money to me, even when I was really in dire need) and I worked (later) as a security guard in 12-24 hour-long shifts to earn enough income for myself. I had a lot of sickness in my life. All across my youth, I was moderately obese. I am 28 right now. I'm working out now 4-5 times a week. I lost 7 kgs of weight in under 8 months. I'm in the range of a healthy version of myself now and I can do a lot more different activities. I was done different sports between my 19th and 21st year when I finally made a strong decision to change my life. Move out from poverty and be myself finally. As a varied person, who received only the (~86€) welfare only years later from the government. Because I never turned hired by any local/international companies until 2017. I started to study economics, politics, rights, and many fields in the hope to find a valid solution, which is made me a well-informed person. Using my knowledge to make the world a (bit humanly) better place. I developed a private industrial-financial service program for myself and others, who feel themselves affiliated with independent elements. I just turned shocked, when I realized, how many fields of interest had been filled with lobbyists. Even from the sugar and medical industry! Previously, I was misdiagnosed at first with high blood pressure sickness! Even, when I had constant stress about my future, my fate, and income. During this period of time, I was 22 and 27... My blood pressure stands in the 120/70 zones. With 60 pulses and I rarely take any medications. All examinations from a physical perspective show me as a fine and healthy individual. I do everything that I can to preserve this healthy state. As I progressed with my plans and time is passed, I slowly and gradually reduced the sugar intake from my diet. Even I considering utter deconstruction of it, because it's not essential... Even I use alternatives, like maltits, which are in some chocolates and sold at a higher price in Hungary. Even I quit sports drinks and energy drinks because I felt miserable and not worths taking down myself in a way, which makes people dysfunctional. The state of my health is improved, when I rejected these drinks. I learned from this mistake, to not let my awareness dropping because this chemical stuff is unhealthy! Previously, I rarely moved to the so-called junk-food restaurants. Only when I worked at a private plaza, where I worked as a security guard in a 12-hour shift. I was enforced to buy that crap. I wasn't had enough time for healthy alternatives to create. In other countries, where I was for a shorter time. I discovered a variety of healthy foods. In my country, we nearly receive imported products only, which is not suitable for the local's health concerns! The true Hungarian products turn exported widespread to the EU and abroad. So it's not an easy situation where am I also. Along with others, who just want to live a normal life, which I think we deserve as sane and valuable people. My life is changed and that proves your findings. I'm really amazed about your work. Even I have taken your first class, "How to bulletproof your immune system!" Even from a single video... I saw and learned more things, when before I was in elementary or high school all combined. Thank you for your time! Best regards, Tamás Tóth

Excuse me for my English! My native language is Hungarian... Some people are said to me in the past, that my English is absolutely fine. Others the opposite, but I only like consider after sane feedbacks.

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