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A Family History Isn't an Excuse for Poor Health


By: Jeanette

Last year, at the age of 52, I was fat, unhealthy & unhappy (and hopelessly addicted to sugar). I also began to realize that maybe those things were all intertwined. It was convenient to blame my poor state of health on my familial history of high blood pressure and diabetes. But let's be honest, it was due to poor choices I had made and was continuing to make every day. With a little push from a pandemic (I no longer wanted to remain in a group of people listed as those with "co-morbidities"), I embarked on a journey of educating, exercising, and eliminating. Dr. Berg's site, along with hundreds of other sources, helped guide my journey toward better health. Utilizing intermittent fasting (several 48-hour ones in the first weeks alone) and a strict keto diet to break my sugar addiction, exercise, supplementing for nutrition that I was missing out on, and really upping my water/electrolyte consumption. I was able to shed 40 lbs but, more importantly, dramatically lower my blood pressure and restore ALL my lab work to levels I haven't seen since I was 20 years old. My Dr. was amazed and really proud and continues to cheer me on my journey. I've told many people, I'm not on a diet. I simply created a much better, happier & healthier me. A person whose immune system is stronger than its ever been. Whose energy levels are vastly improved & sustained throughout the day. A person who no longer even thinks about, let alone craves, sugar (in all its forms). I now maintain a one meal a day, keto lifestyle and have never looked back.

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