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A cure in the haystack


By: Daniel Druskovich

Back in 2018, my health took a dramatic turn for the worst. Systemically, one symptom at a time starting with a nose bleed that wouldn't go away. I was an outside truck driver, delivering container loads and empty containers back and forth from the ports of LA/LB port terminals inside Los Angeles, CA, and to customer warehouses and warehouse terminals. The nosebleeds continued daily for about six months and during this time I developed chronic inflammation throughout my body leading to arthritic symptoms especially in my hands and joints. I began to have nerve pain throughout my body as well that I later learned was due to the deterioration of the myelin sheaths that covers the outside protective layer of the nervous system. I can still remember struggling through the end of my shifts in great pain, hunched over my steering wheel with frozen hands while fighting the urge to scream between deliveries. My muscles experienced shrinkage and wasting on the worst scale imaginable! My left side had withered away to bone, I can remember holding my arm and feeling the gaps in tissue that should have been surrounding my bones. I worked nights for five years and this inevitably contributed to the health conditions I was experiencing. Sleeping used to be my only solace and when I was at my worst there was so little muscle tissue covering my left side, my favorite side to sleep on, and the best side to sleep due to digestive and cardiovascular flow, that I was unable to rest on because of the immense pain I felt, especially around my shoulder. It got so bad that I couldn't raise my arm past 45°, I was 28/29 years of age and I had great struggles just walking, day to day, let alone driving at night, where I had to constantly get up and down from my truck and wheel up or down chassis to connect to containers back and forth. The job was very labor-intensive and often lasted 12+ hours from the beginning of work to the drive home early mornings. I was in terrible shape and horribly depressed, here I was at a young age and already experiencing such dreadfully poor health. I knew I had to do something, the thought of death actually crossed my mind all the time, not suicidal thoughts, but I really was feeling that I would die if I couldn't change my habits and figure out why I was literally dying! The fact that I had no health coverage didn't make anything better, I couldn't afford coverage anyway! So, I scoured the internet for any information I could find, I used every source available from Google to even YouTube! It took me a couple of months, but slowly, oh so slowly and surely I pieced together the parts of my health together! I can credit most of my discoveries, epiphanies, and breakthroughs to Dr. Eric Berg's videos! He played a vital role in my transformation back into my high school weight and level of health! I found out all about the human body, how it longs to use fat as energy and how insulin is abused, produced from within the pancreas in two little almond-shaped cells responsible for extracting all the glucose from your bloodstream. I learned that fats play a vital role in all hormonal production and create all-new tissues around the body from the myelin sheath that protects your nerves from pain to the processes of protection against muscle wasting and preserving muscle tissue. I had developed metabolism syndrome, which is responsible for ailments such as diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune diseases ahs a plethora of other immune system-related disorders and the list goes on. I reclaimed my sleep through intermittent fasting I practiced a four-hour window of eating beginning in the morning. I ate egg yokes without the whites, avocado, and sausage or bacon. I ate fermented cabbage vegetables along with giant bowls of cruciferous veggies with sardines or other small fish, salmon Alaskan caught, and other noninflammatory food. I avoided all sugar and inflammatory substances like egg whites and carrageenan. I drank early in the morning a mixture of water Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother and ginger, turmeric, black pepper, Himalayan salt, and Utah salts because of their high content of minerals and electrolytes. I also consumed a potassium drink consisting of truly natural vitamin C with the whole complex, not just the ascorbic acid which is only a shall tiny fraction of what a vitamin C molecule actually looks like, mixed with unfortified nutritional yeast for its unparalleled amino acid composition, cream of tartar that is pure potassium and I'd mix this all together with coconut milk or similar liquids. I ate cottage cheese 4% milk fat with probiotics and grass fed and finished meat ahs dairy products, also the butter and ghee. This whole process took about three months for me to completely reclaim my health and reverse all the damage I had sustained over many several years. This is my success story, I didn't document through pictures, but was 100% focused on living and ending the pain I had found myself in. Thank you Dr Berg I would have surely been dead by now if I hadn't found your work on YouTube and I credit you with most of my health success, what can I say? I love you Dr Berg, you were there for me when I had everything to lose, but no where to turn, your the man!

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