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80lbs of success

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By: David T Jardine

After seeing the photos of myself after vacationing in the UK in 2019 with my slim wife and our two youngest children, I became most desirous of losing weight. Tying my shoe-laces required exhaling to flatten my fat belly while still having to hold my breath. Past my mid-40s with a family history of being on the 'heavy side', standing at just under 5'11" with my weight creeping up over the years to 249lbs, I began to think I would never overcome my habits and become slim again. Clinically diagnosed with a terribly underactive thyroid I'll admit frankly that am not nearly as consistent at taking the prescribed thyroid hormone replacement medication as I should be. I ate hotdogs, pizza and loads of other junk especially at night, all my life. I ate anything with bread and pasta and was a lover of sugar. I used to go to sleep on a full stomach of junk. I started out with a BMI of over 34. I dabbled and experimented with a few different dietary approaches and tried to exercise, briefly reducing my weight to about 215lbs before going back up to over 230lbs. A medical doctor in my family recommended IF and healthy keto in a casual conversation. I subscribed to the cool, knowledgeable and experienced Dr. Berg on YouTube in 2020 and in the initial COVID-19 lockdown after I was laid off from my airline as a pilot. I had lots of free time on my hands to casually research dietary health, etc. I realized there were a lot more negatives to looking fat than I thought! A few months later with OMAD, jogging vigorously for (what is now down to) 45 minutes three times weekly) and a good effort at healthy keto, I found myself at 185lbs when my clothes started looking and feeling too big and loose! I hardly weighed during the journey, initially doubting that I would have had any real results. I continued to lose weight as I enjoyed how I felt, and I am now showing a steady 165lbs with a BMI of 23. I eat less while being satisfied and I'm never full or bloated. I have not been so happy with my weight and health in 20 years. I also sleep longer and better and I still eat at night which I always loved to do. I eat healthily while enjoying what I consume. I continue to watch Dr. Berg's videos, learning as much as I can about staying healthy. Thank you Dr. Berg!

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