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30 M Enhanced Health


By: Rohit Godani

Hi Dr. Berg, I've been following your youtube videos and learning about how the body operates. I've been practicing IF and a low carb diet for a while now, approx 3-4 months, and I've seen a marked reduction in my belly fat. I was afraid I would lose my muscles, but my muscle mass has stayed the same. What has reduced is the fat layer around my muscle mass which I earlier mistook to be muscle. I also had warts on the sole of my left feet and I had been applying medication for almost a year, but to no avail and I stopped trying. However, after following your recommended guidelines, I was one day surprised to see my warts completely disappear! Wasn't expecting that at all! I don't know if I'm following the 'keto' diet strictly, but my hunger levels feel suppressed and within control. I lift weights at the gym and have been progressing towards having a lean, muscular, and low body fat physique, which wasn't the initial goal at all but became a by-product as a result of following your recommendations. I have eliminated or minimized all of the testosterone lowering foods such as flax seeds, soy, etc. but do consume a large amount of milk products though. I haven't noticed any changes in my testosterone levels, not even sure what those improvements would look like tbh. Can't think of any other benefits but yeah, generally feeling light, positive and healthy. Also, I've started fasting one day a week for 24 hours, 9 pm to 9 pm. Really enjoy your scientific explanations in the videos. Awesome teachings! Thank you & All the best! Rohit

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