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25-26 days in 24-25lbs down... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


By: Steve Martin

I retired early on June 30, 2020, just after turning 49. I left a stressful and toxic work environment that had many things I was allergic to and many toxic personalities. COVID-19 also meant I would need to virtual school my kids of 8 and 12 (Yes, an old Dad) so they could still see the grandparents weekly without fear of getting them sick or allowing anyone to suffer too much loneliness. So, I was used to a cortisol-rich and insulin-resistant lifestyle and body.

On June 03, 2021, After watching many of Dr. Berg's youtube videos over several months and praying for guidance on how to lose weight. The Smart Keto and I.F. program seemed to be the best way so that I wouldn't have to over-exert, over-exercise, and eventually, get hurt forcing me to quit. I started with 2 meals a day with 20 hours of intermittent fasting on a smart Keto diet just to see what would happen. I thought what do I have to lose because I have always fought obesity and I was heading into another decade (the '50s) at 6'0, 290lbs, threatening 300lbs anytime I got stressed out or sick which was pretty frequent.

My diet was already heavily restricted due to around 70 food allergies including wheat, corn, soy, chicken, peanut, almond, all apples, cinnamon, cauliflower, and many more so I already had to watch everything I ate. In some ways, this program made things easier and gave me hope of healing and feeling better, "IF" IT WORKS. After 15 days of 2 meals- 20 hours fasting and being in ketosis I was AMAZED to have dropped 18lbs.

I decided to push to OMAD between 6-9 pm and stay in ketosis. My transition to OMAD took 5-7 days. Although, I have had some KETO flu symptoms throughout I can still tell everything is improving and I feel better, especially after buying Dr. Berg's supplements and closely following the advice in his videos. The videos in addition to Dr. Berg have been a God-Send, an answer to prayer, and hopefully a lifesaver. I'm now down 24-25lbs after 25-26 days and will only have put in 4 weeks total in 2 days.

I have never been this successful with any diet and I have followed many. Thanks to discipline and Dr. Berg's program I walked into a new decade at 50, 22-23lbs lighter. I plan to continue this indefinitely due to the real and overwhelming health benefits, not only physical but also psychological and dare I say even spiritual benefits. I was also very glad I could keep my coffee and tea. I hope to lose another 70 or 80lbs and improve my flexibility with yoga, tai chi, or anything else I can find when I get below 240 or 230.

It does feel better to remove glucose from your system and feel your entire system improve for the first time in 50 years. I can't wait to eventually get to my goal of being truly healthy, improving wholistic functions, and improving the life in the years I have left instead of the focus of only adding potentially years of suffering to my life. My greatest motivation is being here for my girls as long as possible and not being a burden but helping to improve their lives as well. It has been 18 years since I lost my Father and I don't want them to have to deal with that in addition to life's normal stressors.

Thank you so much for this! I plan to utilize the helpline more. I recommend to anyone that they invest in their own health and well-being by learning if this is a program they can follow just by trying it. What do you have to lose except stored fat, a carbohydrate/glucose addiction, insulin resistance, and being controlled and programmed by a corrupt system, Big Pharma, and a medical industry more focused on creating and maintaining patients/customers than they are interested in fully healing humanity? Thank you for not adhering to your education and doing the right thing.

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