3 Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits for Skin Health

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D – Benefits and Deficiency Warning Signs
Learn to recognize early signs of vitamin D deficiency
Discover how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels
Explore common factors that can contribute to vitamin D deficiency
Understand why vitamin D3 and K2 should always be taken together
Get practical advice on how to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D
Vitamin D3 and K2 help prevent collagen breakdown, stimulate wound healing, and lower inflammation, which promotes youthful skin and an even skin tone.
Discover three vitamin D3 and K2 benefits for skin health and learn how to properly combine these two nutrients to achieve a healthy complexion.
How vitamin D3 and K2 work together
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that’s produced when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation in sunlight.
Vitamin D3 plays a critical role in regulating calcium absorption, bone health, neurotransmitter production, and immune function.
Vitamin K2 is also fat-soluble and regulates blood clotting by activating matrix Gla protein (MGPs), a group of proteins needed for proper blood coagulation and wound healing.
Vitamin D3 and K2 regulate calcium balance and work in synergy to support skeletal and cardiovascular health.
While vitamin D3 enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium, vitamin K2 redirects excessive blood calcium into the bones.
This synergistic interplay between vitamin D3 and K2 benefits optimal blood calcium levels and significantly lowers the risk of calcium accumulation in soft tissues such as blood vessels, tendons, and joints.
According to research published in Open Heart, vitamin K2’s role in calcium metabolism helps prevent arterial calcification, a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D3 and K2 has many health benefits and is linked to a significantly lower risk of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, low bone mineral density, and osteoporosis.
Watch the video below to discover the best food source of vitamin K2.
Can vitamin D and K deficiency cause skin problems?
Vitamin D balances immune cell function and reduces inflammation, which may explain why vitamin D deficiency can trigger or exacerbate inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis.
A study published in Investigational Dermatology suggests that vitamin D has anti-inflammatory effects and regulates sebum production and that low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of acne vulgaris.
Vitamin K deficiency can negatively impact the vascular system and has been found to cause the thinning of blood vessels linked to dark circles under the eyes and varicose veins.
Lack of adequate vitamin K increases the risk of blood vessel calcification and diminished blood flow to the skin. This can significantly impact skin cell renewal and result in poor skin health and signs of premature aging.
Three benefits of vitamin D3 and K2 for skin health
Increasingly more evidence suggests that vitamin D3 and K2 are skin-friendly nutrients with anti-aging effects that support proper skin cell function associated with youthful-looking skin.
Here are three benefits of taking vitamin D3 and K2 for skin health.
1. Support skin elasticity
Research published in Current Nutrition Reports suggests that vitamin D3 stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two structural proteins that maintain skin elasticity.
Vitamin K2, on the other hand, has been shown to protect collagen from degradation, which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
“Taking vitamin D3 and K2 can promote firm skin and counteract the effects of aging,” explains Dr. Berg. “Especially if combined with adequate levels of vitamin C, an essential nutrient needed for collagen production.”
2. Improve skin tone and complexion
Vitamin K regulates blood coagulation, which is critical for wound healing and helps the skin dissipate bruising and discoloration.
In addition, vitamin D3 and K2 are essential for vascular health and strengthen the tiny blood vessels beneath the skin needed to supply oxygen and nutrients to skin cells.
Vitamin D3 or K2 deficiency can increase the risk of microvascular damage and small blood leaks, a leading cause of dark circles under the eyes, sagging skin, and uneven skin tone.
3. Lower inflammation
Evidence suggests that vitamin D3 and K2 can be beneficial for individuals with inflammatory skin problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and eczema.
A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found Vitamin K2 inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines linked to the development of inflammatory skin conditions.
Vitamin D3 can amplify the anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin K2 by suppressing the release of inflammatory compounds while at the same time stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.
How to use vitamin D3 and K2 to support healthy skin
Vitamin D3 and K2 are both essential nutrients needed to regulate various physiological functions and support the health of your skin.
While some skincare products contain vitamin D and K, more research is needed to confirm if their topical application has the same benefits for skin health as maintaining adequate vitamin D3 and K2 body stores.
Taking vitamin D3 supplementation in combination with vitamin K2 is an effective strategy to promote collagen production and skin elasticity and lower the risk of inflammatory skin conditions.
Vitamin D3 and K2 dosage for skin health
The best vitamin D3 and K2 dosage for skin health depends on several factors, such as your age, health status, and vitamin D and K body stores.
While many healthcare providers suggest a daily vitamin D3 intake of 600 IU, this may not be adequate to correct a deficiency or maintain optimal vitamin D levels.
Research published in Dermato Endocrinology found that it may require significantly larger doses of 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to raise insufficient vitamin D levels and promote adequate body stores.
How much vitamin K2 you should take to support healthy skin depends on how much vitamin D3 you are taking.
The best ratio of vitamin D3 and K2 is 1000:10, meaning that you should take 10 mcg of vitamin K2 per 1000 IU of vitamin D3.
It can be challenging to get the correct dosages if taking vitamin D3 and K2 separately, and it’s recommended to opt for a balanced vitamin D3 and K2 product with a D3 to K2 ratio of 1000:10.
Sources of vitamin D3 and K2
Sunlight exposure remains the most natural way to obtain vitamin D3. However, limited sunshine, especially during the winter months, can make it challenging to get enough vitamin D to maintain healthy levels.
In addition, older adults and people with darker skin color produce less vitamin D, leaving them at risk of deficiency.
Although vitamin D3 can be found in foods such as fatty fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks, and organ meats, these dietary sources don’t contain enough vitamin D3 to support sufficient levels.
Taking vitamin D supplements is safe and well-tolerated and the most reliable way to ensure adequate vitamin D3 intake to prevent deficiency and maintain adequate vitamin D stores.
Vitamin K2 is mainly found in fermented foods and some animal sources such as:
Egg yolks
However, many people don’t consume enough foods rich in vitamin K2 and benefit from supplementation to promote adequate vitamin K2 body stores.
How long does it take to see results?
How long it takes for vitamin D3 and K2 to work depends on your overall skin health and how much vitamin D3 and K2 you take.
Individuals who are vitamin D3 or K2 deficient may notice skin improvements within a month after starting supplementation.
However, it can take two to three months of regularly taking vitamin D3 and K2 to improve collagen production and vascular health, which supports a firm skin tone and an even complexion.
How long it takes to improve an inflammatory skin problem with vitamin D3 and K2 depends on the severity of the condition and its underlying causes.
If you suffer from persistent skin issues that don’t improve with vitamin D3 and K2 supplementation, it’s crucial to consult a dermatologist for a thorough evaluation of your symptoms.
Key takeaways
Vitamin D3 and K2 benefit skin health by enhancing collagen production linked to firm and youthful skin and the reduction of skin-related inflammation, which may benefit individuals with psoriasis, acne, eczema, and rosacea.
Supplementation is a reliable way to promote healthy vitamin D3 and K2 body stores, and it’s recommended to opt for a balanced vitamin D3 and K2 product that contains at least 10 mcg of vitamin K2 per 1000 IU of vitamin D3.
Additional resources
1. What are the top vitamin D3 and K2 benefits for skin health?
Vitamin D3 and K2 enhance collagen production and promote proper blood flow to skin cells linked to firm skin less prone to sagging and wrinkles.
In addition, these two fat-soluble vitamins can help reduce inflammation, which can improve inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
2. How do I use vitamin D3 and K2 for skin health?
Taking a combined vitamin D3 and K2 supplement promotes optimal vitamin D3 and K2 status and helps to maximize their synergistic effects on skin health.
3. What does vitamin K2 do for your facial skin?
Vitamin K2 strengthens the blood vessels beneath the facial skin, which supports the proper functioning and renewal of skin cells and helps achieve a smooth complexion and even skin tone.
In addition, vitamin K2 lowers the rate of collagen degradation, which has anti-aging benefits by boosting skin elasticity.
4. Does vitamin K2 improve skin health?
Vitamin K2 can improve skin health by preventing the breakdown of collagen and strengthening the tiny blood vessels underneath the skin.
This crucial nutrient has also been found to lower inflammation linked to facial flushing, uneven skin tone, and inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.
5. Is vitamin K2 good for wrinkles?
Yes, vitamin K2 is good for wrinkles.
Vitamin K2 has been found to inhibit the degradation of collagen, which helps prevent the development of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.
6. Can vitamin D3 help reduce acne?
Evidence suggests that vitamin D3 helps regulate sebum production and lowers inflammation and that vitamin D3 supplementation can improve symptoms of acne vulgaris.
7. Can I put vitamin K2 on my face?
While there are vitamin K2-containing skin care products, it’s not yet clear if topical vitamin K2 is well absorbed, and it’s recommended to take vitamin K2 supplementation to support healthy vitamin K2 levels.
8. What happens if you take vitamin D3 and K2 every day?
Taking vitamin D3 and K2 every day supports calcium balance and bone metabolism, promotes skin health, and lowers the risk of arterial calcification, a leading cause of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attacks.
9. Can I use vitamin K2 topically?
There is evidence that topical vitamin K2 can speed up wound healing.
However, more research is needed to confirm if applying vitamin K2 topically has the same benefits for skin health as maintaining optimal vitamin K2 body stores.
10. Can I use vitamin D topically?
Vitamin D can be applied topically to manage inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and to promote wound healing.
However, it’s important to note that topical vitamin D isn’t adequate to maintain healthy levels, and regular sunlight exposure or vitamin D3 supplements should be used in combination with topical vitamin D to avoid deficiency.
