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The MOST Dangerous Ice Cream

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 11/17/2024

The MOST Dangerous Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for something that resembles ice cream but won’t kick us out of ketosis or spike our blood sugar.

The struggle for healthy ice cream alternatives is real, especially when cravings hit. The good news is there's hope for a sweet and refreshing treat, some healthier than others.

This exploration is born out of my own deep dive into frozen desserts. There was a time when a pint of Ben & Jerry’s was my nightly sleep aid (not recommended).

It was a sugar coma, not restful sleep, and this realization sent me on a quest for satisfying, healthy ice cream alternatives.

Decoding the Dairy Aisle: Finding Truly Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives

The ice cream aisle can be a nutritional minefield. Marketing buzzwords like "low carb" and "keto-friendly" often mask hidden sugars and questionable additives.

You can discover healthy ice cream options and cream options without these additives.

Navigating the Marketing of "Healthy" Ice Cream

Products marketed as “healthy” often contain ingredients that negate any health benefits. Take “CarbSmart” ice cream, which adds fillers, artificial sweeteners, and fibers lacking proper safety studies.

Another common pitfall is maltitol syrup. It may create a "sugar-free" claim, but your gut may not thank you for the digestive upset. Regular ice cream pales in comparison to healthier options.

Even ice cream with simpler ingredients can contain more sugar than is healthy, making choosing a truly healthy option frustrating.

The Problem with "Keto" Ice Cream

Even brands labeled “keto” often fall short. Many load up on sugar alcohols like erythritol. While not impacting blood sugar as drastically as regular sugar, it can lead to digestive discomfort in high amounts.

Synthetic fibers and sugar alcohols often sneak into otherwise promising “keto” ice creams.

Homemade vanilla ice cream

The Quest for the Perfect Homemade Healthy Ice Cream Alternative

My journey in creating the ultimate low-carb frozen dessert took many unexpected twists.

A Tale of Coconut Oil Catastrophe

One attempt to make keto ice cream and healthy ice cream alternatives went very wrong. I envisioned perfectly healthy, delicious keto ice cream, freshly produced.

What I got was coconut oil that wouldn't mix with low-carb ingredients because I'd used the wrong kind.

The result was less creamy frozen bliss and more...sad. It cost $20,000 worth of bad coconut oil, teaching me that formulating ice cream takes scientific testing and precision.

Ingredients Matter

Some store-bought options do get it right, like Rebel, with its clean ingredient list of cream, erythritol, egg yolks, and natural sweeteners. But this level of quality often comes with a price.

Homemade Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives: Taking Control of Your Ingredients

Making healthy ice cream alternatives at home gives you total control, sidestepping harmful additives.

Truly Keto Ice Cream

For a truly keto ice cream base: Blend heavy cream, egg yolks, allulose (or your preferred sweetener), a pinch of sea salt, and vanilla extract.

Nuts, unsweetened cocoa powder, or sugar-free chocolate chips make great add-ins. Consider making peanut butter or cookie dough versions too.

Freeze for four to five hours. Enjoy guilt-free. Remember to use frozen bananas if your recipe calls for them.

A Healthier Indulgence: Reducing Sugar

For a less strict, low-carb ice cream using natural ingredients: use organic heavy cream, egg yolks, honey (use sparingly), a pinch of sea salt, and pure vanilla extract.

Pea protein is a great option for making dairy-free milk. Blend coconut milk or almond milk with frozen bananas, real fruit and other additions to create smooth and healthy ice cream.

Use an ice cream maker, or freeze after blending. Make healthy ice cream alternatives with servings in line with keto principles that support blood sugar regulation.

You avoid artificial flavorings or funky sugar alcohols. Add some shaved ice or fresh fruit for extra zest and explore strawberry banana combinations. Vanilla bean is another flavorful addition.

A Healthier Way to Enjoy Ice Cream

We’ve all looked longingly at frozen desserts and wished we could enjoy ice cream daily while being healthy. A sweet treat isn't impossible on keto.

Look into how serving size, saturated fat and overall fat content compare between options.

Making educated choices about ice cream allows you to enjoy this food. Learn about nutrition facts between regular ice cream and healthier options.

Sometimes it takes discipline to maintain health goals. Ice cream is definitely more of a delicious dessert than a weight loss tool.

Don’t fall prey to misleading marketing labels. Learn which healthy ice cream alternatives meet your goals.

Check how much saturated fat per serving there is, which will be included with the other nutrition facts, when choosing your ice cream. You'll also find typical serving size and fat content in there too.

Vegan chocolate ice cream


Finding truly healthy ice cream alternatives can feel like navigating a maze. But don’t give up. With label-reading savvy, avoiding those enticing imposters in the supermarket aisle can become natural.

By focusing on whole food ingredients, controlling sugar, and venturing into homemade options, you can find satisfaction in delicious frozen treats that truly support your health.

Having a healthy diet means finding healthy ice cream alternatives. Sometimes being disciplined can contribute toward making healthier ice cream choices. Ice cream may contribute to a birthday celebration too.

Remember avocado ice cream, sorbet and other coconut milk based options are excellent ice cream alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth and cravings without breaking your diet, be it keto or something different.

FAQs about healthy ice cream alternatives

What is the healthiest substitute for ice cream?

The healthiest substitutes usually involve a base of blended frozen fruit like berries. Consider avocado ice cream for its healthy fat and creamy consistency. Enhance this with Greek yogurt for protein or nuts and seeds for healthy fats.

What should I eat if I crave ice cream?

When cravings hit, consider nice cream, frozen yogurt, healthier brands made with nut milk and minimal sweeteners, or dairy-free ice cream brands. Look for healthy ice cream alternatives with real fruit and few additives.

Try sherbet, fruit pops or homemade sorbet for a healthier, refreshing option.

What is the healthiest ice cream you can eat?

Halo Top is a healthier option, with fewer processed ingredients like fillers and sweeteners. Be sure to factor this in when deciding which brand is most relevant for a healthier option. It's a healthier choice for the ketogenic diet.

Is Cool Whip a healthy ice cream alternative?

While Cool Whip is low in calories and fat, it’s not necessarily healthy. It contains hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavors.

Sometimes finding healthier alternatives to traditional ice cream will require making something like an avocado ice, rather than searching through brands of traditional ice and hoping for the best.

Look for whipped cream made with real cream and minimal sweeteners. It's also helpful to avoid hydrogenated oils.

You might try incorporating frozen bananas for texture or make an avocado ice, especially if keeping things dairy free is one of your preferences for nutrition. Or, consider ice cream with fruit purees instead of chunks of real fruit.

Healthy Keto Guide for Beginner

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