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Magnesium and Calcium Part 3

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/07/2024

‍Hypercalcemia, or excess calcium in the body, is a common health issue. Let's delve into understanding the causes and cures for this condition.

Understanding the Calcium Conundrum

Calcium, an essential mineral, is significantly more concentrated outside our cells. The problem arises when there's a surplus of calcium, leading to stiffness, blood pressure issues, and muscle spasms.

Note: It's not advisable to take calcium supplements without incorporating them into a complex diet. Calcium carbonate supplements, akin to consuming rocks, could exacerbate the hypercalcemia condition.

The Vitamin D3 Dilemma

One of the potential causes for excess calcium could be the lack of Vitamin D3 in your body. The requirement for Vitamin D3 varies with the seasons - you'll probably need more during winter than summer.

This deficiency could lead to bone pain, inflammation, and accumulation of calcium, making things stiff and rigid.

The Role of Magnesium

Having ample magnesium in your diet is another way to keep calcium levels in check. Magnesium is found in leafy greens, at the heart of chlorophyll - the blood of the planet. Many people don't consume enough greens, leading to a lower magnesium intake.

Power of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly in fish oils, can help lower excess calcium. DHA and EPA are two types of Omega-3s, and it's EPA that helps bring down calcium levels. Salmon oil and cod liver oil are excellent sources of these fatty acids.

Vitamin K2 illustration

The Vitamin K2 Connection

Vitamin K2, different from K1, is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps move calcium from the wrong places to the right ones. If you're on a low-fat diet, you might be deficient in K2. However, if you're on a healthy ketogenic diet, chances are you have enough K2 as it's a higher fat, low carb diet.

The Glucose Factor

Too much glucose in your body can lock calcium inside cells. This is especially true if you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or consume a high carbohydrate diet. Going on a low carb diet can help fix insulin resistance, balance calcium levels, and reduce inflammation.

The EMF Effect

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) can interfere with the voltage-gated calcium channels that allow calcium to leave our cells. This interference can cause calcium to get stuck inside the cells. To minimize the EMF effect, use the speaker on your cell phone and avoid holding it next to your head.

To summarize, managing hypercalcemia involves a combination of the right diet, adequate vitamins, and mindful habits.

Remember, it's always better to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.


Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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